'Hate It'

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This is for SaloniAKulkarni hehe!! Thank you for being so nice to me all this while and for being so patient waiting, I appreciate it. Now, let's go


'I can't believe this. You really want to believe those ladies out there over me?' AJ yells, slamming his fists down onto the table. You turned your head to look at him in disbelief, how dare he make this about you.

'I do believe you. I've always had full faith in you. But damn AJ, when you're away for so long and when these ladies come up to me to show me pictures what was I supposed to do? They didn't just say, they showed me some sort of evidence,' you yelled back, defending your stance.

AJ laughed bitterly, shaking his head and you could barely identify the disappointment that was clouding his eyes. The room was silent, tension at a high. You weren't going to give in and you knew he wouldn't either.

'Go ahead and believe them. I'm heading out,' AJ mutters, slamming the door behind him.

'Earth to Saloni do you copy? Or has the ship exploded,' Nick called out, interrupting your recollection of that night. You sighed, not in the mood to listen to Nick and his nonsense. Nick sighs in return as he rested his head on his hands, truthfully, Nick knew just how much the fight had taken a toll on you and AJ but he did not dare say anything because he doesn't want to get involved.

'What should i do,' you muttered, hitting your head against the table. You were at a dead end. As much as you wanted to apologise you knew that you had every right to be angry. But not talking to AJ hurts and you really just wanted this fight to end.

'Apologise,' Nick stated, not beating around the bush. You looked at Nick with judgemental eyes, 'You know not talking to him kills you, why make yourself suffer? I know AJ is feeling pretty shit too,'

'Why not get him to apologise to me,' you pouted.

'Both of you and your ridiculously high ego,' Nick rolls his eyes, 'Apologising doesn't mean you're wrong. You know what,' Nick says as he gets up, standing beside you, 'I'm taking you to him,' he says as he grabs your arm, pulling you towards AJ's room.

After much tugging and pulling, yelling of profanities and beatings Nick still couldn't get you to AJ's room, he did however get you halfway there. He huffed and puffed, holding you back from running away. But suddenly his arms went slack as he focused on something or rather, someone, behind you.

'Uh.. Nick?' The voice questioned, taking in the scene unfolding right in front of him. You knew the voice all to well, obviously as if the world was against you, it had to be the last person you wanted to see.

Nick only grinned as he pushed you over to AJ before running away. You could only curse him under your breath as you turned to look at AJ.

'I uh..' you mumbled, not really sure what you were supposed to say or do. Do you apologise? Pretend like he isn't there?

'Sorry,' AJ began, as he looked at you with sincerity, you could only look at him confused and taken aback that the word sorry had even left his mouth, 'I said i'm sorry,' AJ said again, this time more confident and sure.

You were only silent, unsure if he was being serious or not.

'Saloni... baby.... I hate that we're not talking and i hate that we are letting things like these get in the way of us,' he whispers as he held both your hands in his, 'please at least say something. Say something so i know you're not mad at me?'

You took a deep breath as you look at him eye to eye, 'What about those pictures?' you whispered.

'I need you to trust me that I did not do anything,' AJ whispers, as he rests his forehead against yours.

'I absolutely hate it that we argued, I'm sorry too,' you mumbled.

'I'd go through 100 arguments if that means a stronger us. I love you.'


Apologies if this sucked, my brain is doing the thing where it has ideas but cant exactly phrase the ideas into words so this is the best thing that i can come up with. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT BECAUSE I REALLY TRIED

On top of that, THANK YOU for 700+ reads. At this point i'm getting very repetitive but i really want you guys to know that every single read matters and every little comment matters and all of you matter.

If you want a personal imagine you can request it in private messages or the comments. If you need a friend.... i'm a good candidate ay swag. GUDBYE I LIKE ALL OF YOU, you remind me of nice yummy nuggets.

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