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Howie smiles as soon as he enters the room. He placed his bag at the side and immediately went to take a seat. He kisses your forehead, a loving gesture that he has been accustomed to doing ever since you both started dating a year ago. He held your hands in his as he smiles.

'Hey Y/N,' Howie whispers. The room was silent, only the beeping of the heart monitor breaking the silence.

'Its day 25 baby,' Howie pauses as he feels the all too familiar lump in his throat, a clear indication that he was going to cry, 'day 25 of you asleep, here in this bed. Not showing any signs of improvement,'

Howie sighs, as he stares at your face. To him, you looked peaceful, almost as if you were asleep. Almost. But the longer he stared, the more the tubes stood out to him, you weren't asleep. You were in critical condition.

'I want you to wake up,' Howie bites down on his lip, numbing himself from the tears that were threatening to pour, 'You can't just go to sleep forever. Although, you do enjoy sleeping,' he jokes.

'Remember when you dared me to marry you,' Howie recalls, the memory feeling like yesterday, 'I told you, I'd marry you. That i just need two more years. But i will do it. And remember when you asked me what I'd do if you died first?' He smiles.

'Well here's the deal, y/n. I need you to wake up. I need you to wake up so i can marry you. So we can plan that dream fairytale wedding you've always wanted and have triplets. We'd get dogs and cats, move to a nice little house and be together forever. I need you to wake up so i can do the dare,' Howie pauses, his voice cracking trying to hold in the tears, 'because if you died first... i wouldn't know what to do. I'd move on, because you said you'd want me to but inside.... i will forever have this gaping hole that no one can fill. If you died first, god, i'd lose myself,' Howie breaks down.


You. Were. Gone.


Did that underscore thing make sense? It's supposed to be the flat line when your heart stops beating thing, idk not a nurse IM SORRY. but yes this was sad.

I hope you have a good day, lovely beings! Thanks for reading and commenting and stuff, it makes me very happy ❤️

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