Chapter 2

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FINALLY! A NEW CHAPTER! Jebus that took forever. Sorry for the long wait guys. It's almost been like 2 weeks XD. I'll try and update every week so wish me luck because I'm terrible at updating.

It took me a while because I was busy every night of the week, and when I wrote most of it, I was offline and forgot to go online to save it before I closed the app, so I couldn't even get it back in revision history. So I had to rewrite it ALL AGAIN. But oh well.

I hope that you guys will enjoy the chapter even though it's kinda rubbish. Woo.



My eyes slowly flutter open. What the hell happened? I'm blinded by a bright light, and it takes a while for me to adjust. Suddenly, I realise where the light is coming from, it's the headlights of a car. I try to move but notice someone is holding me, bridal style. Is that Mikey Way? Shit. I almost forgot...My Chemical Romance kidnapped me at their show last night. Was is it even last night? Where the hell am I? All I can see are freaking trees.

"Mikey! Put me down!" I yell wiggling around in his grip. God he's strong. Seriously, he isn't moving a muscle. He isn't even changing his facial expression, but to be honest, that's usual anyway.

"Shhh Willow. It's okay." He calmly whispers to me. I try to focus on his words, but I just get lost in his light brown eyes. Something draws me to them. They're so beautiful. I could stare in them forever. But he looks away breaking our locked eyes, and I feel a piece inside of me drop.

There's a change of scenery and I'm suddenly inside of a room. How did I get in here? How long was I staring into his eyes? It felt like a couple of seconds, but obviously it must've longer than that. He sets me down on a king sized bed gently, being careful not to hurt me.

"Be careful around Frankie and Gerard, they're more rough than me and Ray. So watch what you say and do, and if they tell u to do something do it and you won't get hurt. Got it?" He states tucking a piece of hair behind my ear gently. I nod my head slowly, absorbing his useful information. I'm glad he told me instead of me finding out the hard way. Normally I'd be curious, but to be honest, I really would rather not find out, so I don't ask.

Leaving me lying paralysed from shock on the bed, he turns around and walks off closing the door behind him. There's a loud click from the direction of the door and I realise what he's done. Shit. He's locked it.

I start to panic.

If I'm kidnapped then that means I have no control, I have no freedom, no life of my own anymore. I don't want that. God help me.

Maybe I could climb out of a window right? Sitting upright, I walk over to the first window I see and peer out of it, seeing the tops of trees and a black car below me. Dammit, I'd never be able to get out of this window, I'm too high up so I'd most likely break my legs, then there'd be no chance of escaping.

Might as well try the door. I try pulling on it as hard as I can seeing if I can snap the lock, but it's no use, the door doesn't budge at all. Not. One. Bit. Perhaps I could break the lock with something more strong, but I'll try pulling on it one more time. Ain't got nothing else better to do. I'm about to try again when I hear the door unlock. I back away from it, scared of who's on the other side.

What if it's Frankie? Or Gerard? I hope that it's Mikey. He seems caring. But what will the others do to me? Why am I even here!? All un-answerble questions run through my head, giving me a migraine, but my thoughts are cut off by someone talking through the door in the hallway. "Hey Willow."

Kidnapped by MCR (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now