Chapter 6

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Sup guys, yes I know this is the quickest I've ever ACTUALLY updated I seriously don't know how I done it. But anyways, don't play the song until I tell you to because I want to set the mood. So enjoy!


Willow's POV

I flick on the light switch and my eyes find a girl in the middle of the floor, with a pool of blood surrounding her. My smile quickly vanishes.


I run over to her limp body and kneel down at her side. "Charlie!" I whisper shaking as I speak. "Are you okay?"

I roll her over cautiously to see her face with a black expression on it, eyes open wide staring at nothing, her skin covered in blood and bruises. She looks so pale. So lifeless. So dead.

I grab her by the shoulders shaking her. She's  just asleep. Yeah. She's asleep. She's asleep. SHE'S ASLEEP! SHE'S OKAY! IT'S FINE. SHE'S FINE. EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE. "Charlie!" I start to scream her name now. "Wake up! Please! Wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP!"

I brush her long black hair out of her face, sobbing until my face hurt. Only then, I started to look at the rest of the damage done to her body.

Her arm was at a weird angle, and when I looked at her leg, it had been cut up into a million pieces, by what I guess were enormous scissors. Her leg wasn't literally in pieces, it was more like huge gashes, separating most of her flesh, making her legs look inhuman and mangled.

Her arm had a bloody bone sticking out of her skin, but the bone was sharp and pointy, and it looked as if it would be a good weapon to use if I was being attacked.

Blood was seeping through her shirt, so I lifted it up to reveal a long cut along her entire stomach, which looked as if she had been peeled open, and all of her insides had been removed. Almost like a surgery had taken place.

Her lip was cut and her nose was broken, and she had patches of hair missing from where her hair must've been ripped out. Her skull was also an odd shape, and it looked like it had been bashed in with something heavy.

This was Frank's fault. This was all Frank's fault! How could Frank do this? How could anyone do this? I gag at the sight of my once beautiful best friend, and I lean down hugging her, rocking her in my arms like she was a baby that was trying to go to sleep.

My eyes hurt, but I can't stop crying. My best friend. The one who was always there for me. The one that had always given me hope when I had none. The one that would always cheer me up. The one that would always risk herself to save my butt.



I continue crying. I continue hugging her. I continue stoking her hair. I continue sobbing.

Why did this have to happen? Why Charlie? What did she ever do to deserve this? This pain. This suffering. She was a good person, always done the right thing, never done anything terrible or unforgivable in her entire life. Yet she had to go through this. The only people that deserve this pain are My Chemical Romance. They deserve to perish, in the most painful way possible. And I hope that someday, just someday, they will.

I plant a kiss on her forehead and close her eyes, she looks more peaceful that way.

I really feel like I want to throw up. My head is spinning from shock, and it's also pounding since I was crying so much.

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