Sara's P.O.V
We meet up at the hotel room.
"Sooo watcha wanna do?" Jewell asked me. "OOOO how about we ding-dong ditch! But hotel style!" I suggested. "OMG yesssss!" I say. So we get ready. Jewell just throws her hair up in a bun and then puts her Magcon sweatshirt back on. And some black tights with combat boots. Light makeup. And some cute earrings. I put on white leggings with my Magcon sweatshirt. Hers is red and mine is black. I wear my combat boots as well. And I put light makeup on. With some cute earrings. And then we go on our way! We go on the tippy top floor and start at the first door we see. No one answers so we try again. After 7 or 8 doors we go to the mast sweet. "This should be fun." We knock on the door. No answer. But laughter. And then he opens the door. Him.
Taylor's P.O.V
I hear a knock on the door and laugh. So I answer it and it's Sara. "Hey Sara?" I question her. "Oh my gosh! I'm so so sorry for bothering you guys. We were ding dong ditched people and we just thought-well. I don't know. I'm sorry! We will just go" she was kinda nervous. "No you don't have to leave. Come in! I'm sure the boys would love to meet you!" I tell her.
Jewell's P.O.V
It was The Boys room! Yes!!! I was excited and a little embarrassed at the same time. Taylor invited us inside so we went in. "You guys can chill on the bed till the all the boys get here. They why to get food." Taylor told us. Matthew, Carter, Jack and Jack, and Cameron went to get food. "Hey, I'm Aaron!" He said to me. He was adorable! "I'm Jewell!" i say while Sara and Taylor were talking. Then I see Shawn and Nash come into the room. There are 2 rooms and they are attached. "Hey bo- who are these lovely ladies?" Nash said. "This is Jewell and Sara." Taylor told him. "You guys seem wonderful." Shawn said. I giggled. And then the rest of the boys came in. "We brought McDonaldss!!!!!" Cameron shouted. Matthew noticed me sitting down on the bed. "Wait? What? I'm confused? How did y-" "I stalked you." I said jokefully interrupting him. He laughed. Wow his smile. I told him how I ACTUALLY found him and he thought it was reasonable. We chatted and talked until our eyes literally had hearts in them.
Cameron's P.O.V
I was confused on why there were 2 girls i didn't know sitting in the room. But it didn't bother me cause they were super cute. "Hey ladies!" I introduced. "Hey stunning!" I say looking at him. We both laughed. "You know my friend is really inlove with you! Can I invite her over. She's at MagCon staying here with her friend Naita." Jewell said. "Sure! Let's meet the other gorgeous woman's shall we?" I said. So she did. Moments later there was a knock on our doors so I answered it. "Oh my gosh! HI! I'm Eliza!" She was beautiful. And I mean gorgeous!! "Uh- hi I'm cam- well of course you know that. Um. Sorry. I knew you know my name. Did that make sense?" I was freaking out she was so stunning. "Your so adorable! This is my friend Naita!" She said. Carter came over to see why I kept blabbing on and couldn't keep his eye off Naita. "Hey ladies.. Other lady." Carter said to them. We invited them in. And we talked. Carter and Naita. Talked. Everyone talked. It was so nice. Can fans be your girlfriend? Or naw?!

The MagCon Fans
FanficUh-uhh! They aren't just fans to them. The Boys love these girls. But when everything messes up. Stuff happens. Bad stuff happens. And things aren't gonna get better unless MagCon ends forever.