Chapter 13 - The Fight

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Christian Hastington

"Thankyou sir" I smiled and shook his hand once again. He left the room and I sighed. I sat down on my chair and leaned back to my chair.

I opened my eyes and looked at my watch to check the time. It's 8.46 p.m, I need to check on Taylor. I took my phone out and dialed her number. I waited for her to answer but after a few times trying to call, she's not answering.

I walked out and bumped into Marco

"What's with the rush?" He asked

"I need to check on Taylor" I said

"She's here?"

"Yeah" I got into the lift and quickly went down to the lobby. I got into my car and speed up my car to her house. I was worried, I already called my private investigator to find her.

I got off my car quickly and I walked into her house. It's not locked. Are you crazy Taylor? How can see be alone and let the front door unlock?

My eyes widen when I saw a man's shoes outside, I quickly went inside and found a guy sitting in front of Taylor. They're drinking together and laughed together.

"What's all this?" I asked bursting in anger

"Oh babe, this is my friend Jake. Jake this is my boyfriend Christian" She introduced me to him like it was nothing

"Nice to-" I rejected that man's hand and sat beside Taylor

"Why are you so cold?" Taylor whispered

"Get out" I looked at Jake seriously and I glared at him hard

"Dude, I'm catching up with my friend. Playing as a possessive boyfriend here?" He mocked and I smirked

"Well aren't you aiming to have sex with my girlfriend? You kept looking at her thigh and legs" I pointed out and his eyes widen. I threw the alcohol to his face and threw a punch to him

"Get out or I'll-" I stopped when he ran out from the house. I turned to Taylor immediately

"What were you thinking? Tired because of work?" I asked and she scoffed

"He's my friend and what's wrong with that?"

"Are you out of your mind? He's gawking at you and ready to rape you in seconds. Friend? I wonder where did he came from?" I said sarcasticly and coldly

"Why are you picking a fight now?"

"You didn't answer you phone and I was worried sick but when I'm so worried about you, you were laughing and drinking with another guy" I glared at her and she crossed her arms in front of me

"You punched him because you're jealous? Are you kidding me Christian? So now I can't hang out with my friends?"

"Are you blind Taylor? I'm protecting you from getting rape!" I bursted and she flinched a little

"Me and Jake have been close friends more than 7 years, you and I just got into relationship 2 months ago"

"If that's what you want then go ahead, have fun with all your make friends. Don't blame me if you get rape Taylor, I won't be there to help you" I looked at her seriously and walked out from her house. I got into my car and drove away again

I was completely piss, I drove my car to our private place cause I need a damn drink. I was so mad tonight, how can't she even detect a guy like him will rape her in seconds? What was she thinking?

"What's with you?" Aiden asked

"Nothing" I took a new glass and poured the alcohol into it. I put a couple of ice inside and sighed

"Taylor?" He asked

"Who else?"

"What happen?" Aiden asked and I leaned back to the sofa and closed my eyes. I sighed again because I was still trying to calm down my emotions

"I was worried sick when she's not answering my phone. I went to her house and found her drinking and laughing witth her friend. That bastard kept looking at her thigh and legs roaming it and I bet he's already imagining it"

"I was mad at the guy and threw a punch at him. She defended him in all cost making me boil"

"You're completely falling for Taylor huh?" Aiden smirked

"This is not the time to talk about that Aiden" I hissed and he chuckled

"Let her cool down, talk to her tomorrow"

"Easy for you to say when your girl is calm girl" I said sarcasticly

"Girls have their own devil, Christian. Just because Elena looked like a calm and good girl outside, it doesn't mean she's like that on the inside. She can be a devil sometimes and it made me crazy like hell. Maybe this is the time that Taylor's devil come out" He said and sipped his alcohol

"What kind of saying is that? She's a good girl"

"There are times when good people tired to be one, they wanted to try something new in many ways. You'll never know Christian, you should watch your girl extra because of this"

"I can't believe this"

"Welcome to the relationship world dude, you need to understand at some point. You might be mad at her but never stop to watch her" He said

"What should I do now, master?" I turned to him seriously and he laughed

"I'm not a master you dumb" He smacked my head and I sighed

"I miss my single life"

"Then breakup with Taylor and hand her to that Alfonso guy, I'm sure he'll be happy" I glared at him

"I never have the thought to break up, you dumb"

"Well you want your single life back, why getting into a relationship when you still know that you want to have fun?"

"That's the point, I don't know too. I don't know why I want this"

"Because it's Taylor, Chris. You like this girl, you like her a lot" He emphasized the 'like' word


"It's not a maybe, it's positive so I want you to stop whatever you have in your head because it'll make everything worse" He patted my back and left me there alone

"Damn it!"

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