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Christian Hastington

"Ready to go?" I asked Taylor

"Definitely yes!" She said

Taylor has been wanting to go to Greece, she kept asking me about when will my free time be. I always said that I'm busy for her and she understanded me. So I asked her to company me to France but it was all a lie.

She won't know until we arrive there since I'm taking my private jet with me. I can't wait to surprise here. Since she won't be taking her swimsuit and beach related things. I secretly packed it for her.

I hope she will like the surprise. She always patient to waited for me and now I want to give her what she wanted. All she wanted was a holiday not some 10kg golds. I'm thankful to have a really good wife like her.

"Ohhhh Chris, there's a package for you" She ran to the living room and took a black box

"What is it?"

"You open it, it's yours" She pointed

"You can open it" I chuckled and I opened it. I smirked to see the GoPro that I ordered 2 days ago

"GoPro?" She asked

"Yeah, I bought it 2 days ago"

"For what?" She looked at me confuse. She has no clue that we're going to Greece for straight 2 weeks and I wanted to cherish the memories

"Taking pictures" I said

"You already brought your drone" She said and I chuckled. How adorable she is..

"I love taking good picture babe, you know that"

"Right.. but this is France" She stated the obvious and I chuckled secretly

"Let's go.. I'll charge this on the jet" I said and we walked out from the house. I locked it and got into the car. My chauffer drove us to the airport

"Thankyou for companying me to France" I said to her

"It's my duty, why thanking me?" She chuckled as she took a magazine

"I'm sorry that I got a lot of work to do" I said as I kissed her cheek

"It's okay" I knew she was sad inside because she can't spend a free time with me. I'm sorry for lying Taylor but a man can lie only when he wanted to surprise his girl.

Sorry for lying this time but it'll be worth it in the end, don't worry.

"You tired?" I asked and she nodded. She leaned her head to my shoulder and I kissed the top of her head. We arrived at the airport and immediately got into the jet. She sat beside me

"Let's go to Eiffel Tower" I said

"Okay" She said cheery. Oh Taylor, I can't wait to surprise you

I'm so glad that she slept on the way. So when she wake up, she can see the surprise. The flight from New York to Greece will take around 10 and a half hours. The time difference was quite big.

We'll arrive there at midnight.. I hope she won't be dissapointed

"You awake?" I asked

"When are we going to land?" She asked. It was crazy that she slept for 6 hours straight. She's tired because she pile of work hit her like crazy but she finished it 2 days ago.

"A few hours more babe" I said and it's a good thing that she didn't check the time. She kept busy with her new novel book and I'm damn relieve.

We killed a lot of time and now it's time for us to land. She leaned to me and I chuckled to see her still need sleep.

The pilot announced that we're successfuly landed, we both got up from our chair and stretched our body.

"Let's go" I held Taylor's hand and smiled widely. We walked out from the plane and she looked around weirdly

"Christian.. we're not in France" She stated as she looked around. We both went to France a lot so I bet she remembered the airport


"What do you mean so? Don't tell me that our plane got something wrong" She asked me in horror and I laughed

"Taylor.. This is Greece" I said and her eyes widen. A smile appeared on her face

"Really?" She asked

"Yes and it's 1 in the morning here so I'm sorry if you're dissapoint-"

"Thankyouuu so so so much" She squealed hugging me tightly

"Welcome love" I laughed

"I'm not dissapointed, I'm so happy!" She squealed crazily and she ran down excitedly. I went down and there's a car waiting for us. We got in and I swear Taylor was damn excited. She can't stop smiling

"You happy? We can rest now and explore Greece for 2 weeks" I stated and she turned to me

"2 weeks? Really? You're not lying right?"

"Nope, I'm serious" I said and she hugged me tightly again. She kissed my cheek

"Thankyou thankyou thankyou!!!"

"Glad to see my wife happy"

"That's why you brought your drone and the new camera"

"GoPro love.."

"Yes GoPro and Drone.. it was weird because you never care about France before" She stated in a really suspicious tone

"You have a good instinct"

"Christian.." She looked at me blankly suddenly


"I didn't bring my swimsuit and-"

"I brought them"

"What? No way.."

"I brought randomly though"

"Christian!" She hissed and I laughed

"I'm kidding, I brought you favorite and even your sunblock" I stated and she crashed her lips to mine

"You're the best!!!" She squealed

"Of course I am" I winked

"Damn it! I love you so much!"

"I love you too"

"Tomorrow will be a really fun day!!" She squealed again. I'm glad that I meet this girl and had a really adventurous relationship. The ups and downs with this girl made my life full of color.

I'm glad that I never gave up on her because imagining her with someone else like this will be my nightmare. She's the best thing that happen to me and I can't help but feel so happy to have her.

I love her so much.. with my life

Christian Hastington
Taylor Hastington

BLSC #7 : a Night To RememberWhere stories live. Discover now