Chapter 24 - How Can I?

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Taylor Portwalt

"I want it to be short but not that short" My customer said and I nodded

"How about I make a slit on the left leg to make your legs more slimmer?" I asked and her face light up

"Yes!! I think that will be so sexy" She squealed and I chuckled

"I'll send the design dress quick and I'll send the draft next week" I said

"Oh that's great and fast. So I'll meet you again next week"

"Yes we can do that or I'll send the draft first and we cna meet a day after that" I said and she nodded

"Thankyou" She squealed and I smiled

"You're welcome"

"Oh it's raining" I turned to the window and yup it's raining hard. I barely hear it because the music in this cafe were quite loud.

"I have to go, I have a meeting" She said

"Okay Ms. Lense" I smiled

"Just call me Reene, we're basicly have the same age" She said

"I'll go first okay, thankyou!" She said and walked out from the cafe. I looked at the time and I needed to get back to my office to finish my design. I didn't bring any umbrella. Maybe I'll just ran through the rain

"Miss" I turned to the side to see a beautiful little girl

"Yes? What can I help you?" I asked and she gave me an umbrella. I raised my eyebrows

"Thankyou but how about you?" I asked but she pointed at the umbrella. I turned down to see a note on the umbrella

Don't run through the rain. Use this.

"I'm sorry but can you give it back to the man?" I said and gave the umbrella back to her. I walked away and ran through the rain without caring that I'm drenched. I got into my car fast and drove away from that place.

I sneezed a lot damn it! I got into my office and worked on my design again. I sneezed a lot because of the heavy rain. I remembered that I have an extra clothes in my office. I quickly opened the drawer and changed into it. I walked out from my office and my eyes caught a white box on the table.

I walked there and sighed. Another thing from Christian, when will he give up? I opened the white box and it's a rice box with chicken and salad, coffee mix and even medicine for cold.

I was mad.. He did this almost everyday. It's been a week and he never stopped giving me things like this. I was mad at him and to myself. I was starting to think that he's really sorry.

I took out my phone and dialed his number. He answered it even before the first beeps ended.

"Hey Taylor"

"Stop sending me these things" I said coldly but he didn't answer anything

"We won't get back together"

"Sorry Taylor but I really selfish for this one. I want to get you back and I will do anything to do so"

"Stop Christian! I won't work"

"You and I both know that we both still have the same feelings for each other. I'm sorry for hurti-" I sneezed and he stopped talking

"You have a cold"

"Just stop sending things like this because I threw it all away" I ended the call and walked to my small pantry. I made a warm water to heat my body up. I got back to work again and concentrated to it. I need to finish it before tomorrow.

"Taylor" I flinched in shock to see Christian on my office door

"How did you get it? I told the-" He walked to me and I sneezed. Damn it! I looked at him with a warning eyes and he smiled to me. He brought a black bag with him. He put it on my table and opened it. He pulled me so I stand up.

"What are you doing?" I asked

He took out a blackjacket from his bag. He opened the zipper and he took my right hand and slipped the jacket to me. He wrapped it around and took my left hand and slipped it. He zipped up the zipper and he smiled to me. He lifted up the hoodie.

He took out a fever patch and put it on my forehead without saying anything. Then he took out a medicine and even brought big bottle of water with him. He asked me to open my mouth and I did. He put the pill into my mouth and gave me the bottle. I drank it and he just looked at me without saying anything.

After that he closed his bag and walked to the door. I just looked at him blankly.

"Don't work too late, you'll get sick tomorrow. Take care of your health first" He turned to me and I just stayed silent. He walked out from my office. I plopped back on my chair and smelled the scent of the jacket.

The scent that I really miss

Suddenly I felt so sad remembering the memories again. I kept smelling his scent and without any warning tears came out from my eyes. Damn you Christian Hastington! I hate you!

I got my sense back and quickly got back to work. I finished it about 3 hours and I'm ready to get home. I walked out from my office and found a memo in front of my door.

Get home and go straight to sleep. You look so tired. I miss you a lot.

I sighed looking at the note. I took it off and crunched it. I threw it on the bin and walked out the door.

"I swear I hate you Christian" I mumbled

"I hate you so much"

"I hate you"

"Damn it! I don't hate you!" I hissed to myself

"How can I hate you? My feelings kept betraying me!"

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