Chapter 27 - For Now

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Taylor Portwalt

"I'm sorry that I can go there" I said to Christian and he nodded weakly. I wanted to laugh to bad seeing his reaction.

"It's okay"

"You're having fun?" I asked


"What a lie.." Aiden said beside him and I chuckled

"Where are you?" Christian asked

"On my way to a meeting"

"I miss you"

"I can't believe Christian this love struck" Matthew commented and I chuckled

"I don't miss you" Me and Christian agreed to take the relationship slow. We started over but we're not dating yet

"That wound me" He said and I got off from the car. No I didn't drive the car while video calling. I used my driver.

"I need to shut the video call" I said and turned it off. I walked into the building

"I miss you so bad, I'm going there in 3 days" He said and I smiled. I walked into the restaurant. I ended the call and showed myself

"I miss you too" I said and Christian turned to me. His eyes widen and he got up from his seat. He walked to me and pulled me into a hug.

"You're here"


"Gosh this is the best birthday present" He said and he kissed the side of my head

"Get a room you two!" Marco hissed

"Gosh I miss you, it's killing me" He looked at me and he kissed me. I circled my arms around his neck kissing him back

"I want to puke" Brandon commented

"I miss you too" Joan pulled Christian away from me and hugged me

"Me too!" I squealed and the girls hugged me

"She's mine today, stop taking her away from me" Christian shoved them away and pulled me to him. I sat beside him

"I don't have any present for you" I said

"I don't care as long as you're here"

"Really?" I asked and he nodded

"Geez I thought you want one because I have one" I said and he raised his eyebrows

"What is that?"

"Later" I smirked and I knew he hates it when I do that. He hates being curious

"What is it?"

"Patience Christian"

"Let's go to LA next week, have a short holiday together" Andrew suggested

"Let's go to San Diego and play" Archer added

"Disneyland California" Axel said and I turned to him completely agree

"We have a coward here" Brandon pointed at his sister

"I'm not!" I chuckled when Crystal protested

"You are" Matthew bullied her

"Agree" Dylan said

"Cesborn has too" Joel said pointed at his twin

"I'll break your neck" Joan said to her twin. Savage!

We talked and laughed a lot talking about lots of things. It was fun to gather with them again. I missed them a lot. We celebrated Chris's birthday together and it was fun. We ate a really delicious foods and spent the night together.

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