Chapter 25 - You Will

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Taylor Portwalt

I swear Christian wasn't joking about he's staying in LA. He didn't go back to New York for almost 2 months. He kept proving that he's serious about getting me back.

He kept making me speechless with his action. He came to my office without any warning and he brought flowers. He asked about my day and just trying to make a conversation with me but I ignored him.

He never gave up even though I threw away the flower and all the things he gave me in front of him. Apparently he said that he understand that he deserves this. My feelings was starting to get back.

There was one time that he didn't come to me for 3 days. I was worried and he sent a text saying that he was sick. I really held myself to try not to care. I was worried but I held it so badly. He deserved it.

When he came, I asked about his condition and he smiled. He told me that he's fine and there's nothing to worry about. I answered him coldly after that. Basicly I was cruel for the pass 2 months, I always threw away things that he gave me in front of his eyes.

It was crazy that I kept trying to make him give up but he never did. He kept going for me again and again. I told my mom about this and she said I was too cruel. He was already prove me enough but I kept doubting him.

He deserved it though, don't blame it on me

"Ms. Portwalt?" I turned to my secretary


"You have a meeting with Mrs. Celestine" I nodded

"I want you to send the black dress to Veronica tonight because she already asked for it. She already transfered to me" I said

"Yes miss but where to? Her apartment or her office?" She asked

"Office, just give it to her secretary since she will arrive in LA tomorrow evening and she will go her officr after that"

"Okay miss"

I got back to work to find a new materials for my design. When suddenly my phone rang, it's Marco. I raised my eyebrows because this guy rarely call me

"What Marco?"

"Christian had a car crash" He said and my body froze hearing it


"He's in the UCLA Medical Center now" I hung up and ran out from my office.

"Cancel all the meetings!" I said to my secretary. I ran out from the building and got into my car. I was anxious and panic at the same time. My hands were shaking to bad and my head was not in a really good condition receiving this news.

I quickly started my car and drove out from my building. I drove so fast and the fact that I'm crying made it worse. Please let Christian be okay. Please please.

How can this happen? Damn it!

I slipped through a lot of cars in speed and got a lot of horns in return. I didn't care and I rushed to the hospital quickly. I parked quickly and ran inside. I went to the front desk

"Christian Hastington" I said

"Room 411" I ran to the lift and got in quickly. I pressed the 4th floor and my hands were shaking. What if something bad happen? No no.. he'll be fine. I ran out from the lift and quickly looked for room number 411.

I bursted the door and found Christian sitting on the bed laughing with Marco. He turned to me and froze

"Taylor? How did you know I was hos-" He turned to Marco

"What the heck? I was rushing crazily here for eharing you got into a crash" I kneeled down crying

"Car crash? Who told you that?" Christian asked and I looked up to Marco. He was laughing. I got up and walked to him. I punched him

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry"

"You asshole!" I cried while punching him. Suddenly Christian caught my wrists and pulled me into a hug. I smacked his back hard.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry" Christian said chuckling

"You asshole" I pushed him away and walked away to the door but he caught me again

"You were that panic?" He asked me as he pulled me back into a hug. He held me tightly and kissed the top of my head

"Geez Taylor, I never knew you will react like this. I'm sorry" Marco said and I turned to him glaring

"You'll pay for this!" I hissed and he laughed

"How could you told her that idiot!" Christian hissed at him

"You should thank me for this" He smirked

"Argh I hate you Hastingtons!" I pushed Christian away and glared at him. I wipped my tears and I took my bag from the ground

"Gosh you're adorable" Christian pulled me into a hug again

"I can't believe that you lied to me" I pushed him away and glared at Marco

"It proves me that you still care for me, Taylor"

"Hah! Who says?" I turned to Christian and he smiled

"You came here crying, you afraid that I'll be dead right?" I looked at him disbelief

"I hate you so much" Christian turned to Marco gesturing him to leave. Marco ruffled my hair on the way and he left the scene. Christian held both of my hands

"God, I miss you so much" He hugged me tightly and I just stayed silent

"I'm sorry for making you worry" I wrapped my arms around him

"I fainted in the office because I was too tired" He said and I just stayed silent

"Hey.." He called and I looked up to him. He caressed my cheek

"I'm so happy to know that you were worried until you cried"

"I'm going to kill Marco"

"Kill him later" He chuckled and he looked at me smiling

"Please give me a chance Taylor, I won't repeat it again. I swear"

"I'll think about it"

"Can I kiss you?" He asked and I pushed him away. I walked to the sofa and plopped there. He followed me and plopped beside me. He held my hand and I looked at it

"What if I had a real car crash? Will you-" I smacked him hard

"Don't say that you idiot!" I said coldly and he chuckled

"I miss you" He kissed my hand and I looked at him glaring

"Sending me notes to take care of my health but you can't take care of yourself. What an idiot? Where is your brain?"

"I got you to take care of me right?" He smiled

"Who says I'm going to take care of you?" I asked

"You will" He kissed my cheek

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