Chapter 15 - Single, Of Course

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Taylor Portwalt

4 months later..

"Amazing" I smiled looking at my customer wearing my design

"This is so beautiful, thankyou!" She squealed as she turned around looking at the mirror

"Congratulations on your engagement once again" I said and she smiled

"Thankyou, you made my day tomorrow. This is so beautiful and I just can't stop looking at it" She spinned around

"Glad that you like it, it's an honour to make this dress for you"

"Oh don't be silly, this is so beautiful. I never dissapointed with your works" She walked to me and held my hand

"Thankyou, this is so beautiful" She squealed again and I chuckled

"No problem"

"Oh and Taylor, I want to treat you lunch. Is it okay? I just want to thank you for this" She looked at me smiling

"That will be great but I won't be here in LA for a week. Next week?"

"Oh that's fine. I'll call you next week. By the way, where are you going?"

"New York, got to attend my dad's friend's party"

"Oh okay, thankyou so much" She squealed again and I helped her to open the dress. I wrapped the dress and put it into a box. I escorted her out from my place. I can't help but smile to see her that happy wearing the dress that I made

"You're ready?" Nial entered my office and I nodded

"You sure you want to come? You know who's going to be there right?" He asked

"My ex? So what?" I scoffed and he smiled

"That's my sister" He ruffled my hair

"The jet is ready?" I asked

"Yeah of course, mom and dad already on their way there. Let's go" He said and I took my bag putting my things inside and ready to go

"Let's go" Me and Nial got into the car and went straight to the airport. Going to see Christian again, won't be a big deal right? Breaking up with him without any words was painful. I got myself back after one and a half month of crying

"Hello pumpkin" I hugged my dad as we got into the plane. I plopped to the seat beside him

"How's the customer?" My mom asked

"She loves it!" I squealed

"That's what I thought, it's beautiful. You need more confident, Taylor"

"I know mom but I never thought her reaction will be like that"

"I'm proud of you pumpkin" My dad kissed the side of my head

"3 days in New York?" My bother asked my dad as he plopped beside my mom

"Yeah, I need to deal something with Aaron and Blake"

"Will you be okay?" My mom asked and I smiled

"I'm over it mom, I'm fine"

"Don't bring it up again mom" Nial said

"It's okay" I said and not long after that the plane took off. I decided to sleep in. I leaned to my dad more since he's so warm and cuddly

"Taylor.. pumpkin.. We're here" My dad slowly poked me. I opened my eyes and got up immediately. He put his arm around me dragging me out from the plane.

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