[Chapter 1] Welcome To Camp YouTube

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The twelve YouTubers arrived at the destination identified on their invitations. The first ones to arrive were Anthony and Ian.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Ian inquired as he looked around him. The trees whose leaves and branches broke up the sunlight towered over them. The single lane road that they drove down to get here was eerily empty and deserted. And the picnic bench that was near the road was falling apart, and when Anthony tried to sit down, the rotting wood broke under him and he fell to the ground.

He pulled himself back up and wiped the dirt off of his pants, "I'm pretty sure," Anthony replied.

Just then, another car arrived. Out of the car stepped Kalel and Mari. Kalel took off her sunglasses and took in her surroundings. Mari walked around the car and slammed her and Kalel's bags down on the ground beside Anthony's and Ian's.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Kalel asked no person in particular.

"I don't know," Ian retorted, "The invite said we'd be told what to do from here. But..." He looked to his right and to his left, "No one's here but us."

Not too much later, the remaining YouTubers had shown up. All of them were starting to get worried when no one had showed up for a good twenty minutes after the last person arrived.

They all made an agreement to leave if whoever they were waiting for didn't show up in the next ten minutes. But just before they started to get back in their cars, a large bus came up the street and stopped right in front of them. The doors opened and out came two men. One taller and leaner than the other. They wore dark red polo shirts and white bottoms with black belts and black shoes. One wore pants and one wore shorts. Name tags were pinned to their polo shirts. The taller, leaner one's read "Zach" and the other one's read "Eryk".

"Well it's good to see you all found your way here safely," Zach greeted with a friendly smile.

"And who are you?" Toby questioned, raising his eyebrow and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well I'm Zach," He replied, "And this is Eryk." Eryk did a small wave of the hand with a slight smirk, "And you all know each other in some way, am I right?"

The twelve YouTubers looked around at each other and nodded their heads in agreement that they knew each other.

"Good," Eryk remarked, "Now, you all should know what the deal is. But in case you forgot, I will remind you: You have been selected to participate in something called 'Camp YouTube'." As Eryk explained the gist of what would be going down, Zach began to put the duffel bags and luggage into the bus. Once Eryk finished talking, everyone boarded the bus.

Meanwhile, back at the camp, four people stood in a room. There were three girls and one man. They were dressed similar to Zach and Eryk, just that the two of the girls wore shorts that were shorter than Eryk's and one girl wore white leggings.

"You know what to do, correct?" The man asked them.

"Yes, Felix," The girls recited in unison with an unenthusiastic tone.

Felix rolled his eyes, "You know what to do, correct?" He repeated more sternly. The girls answered in the same manner. He slammed his hand down on the table that separated him from the three other people. "Look, you agreed to go through with this."

"But do we have to...?" One of them began, but Felix cut her off.

"It's the only way to get a winner, Abby," He growled. Abby pouted, turned around, and walked out. Soon after, the other two girls followed her out to be greeted by the bus pulling up. The YouTubers filed out and stood in a line before the three girls. Zach began to unload the bags while Eryk joined the girls.

"Welcome to Camp YouTube guys!," One of the girls greeted, "I'm Rachael," She introduced herself, "And this is Natalie and Abby," She pointed to the two girls who stood on her sides. Rachael had medium-length, curly, dirty blonde hair that was clipped back. Natalie had long, straight, dark brown hair and bangs swept to the side. And Abby was a brunette with long, wavy hair that was pulled back into a pony tail. "You already met Zach and Eryk, I see."

"What did you guys pack?" Zach screamed as he dropped the heavy bags by the YouTubers' feet, "Bricks?"

"Yeah, they packed bricks," Abby retorted sarcastically. Zach shot her a glare. The two of them were brother and sister. Rachael and Natalie were also siblings.

"Anyways," Natalie broke the tension, "The first day here will be pretty relaxed. All you've got to do is set up camp and wait until tomorrow," She pointed behind her at three cabins that were in a row. "But when you're done, you've got to meet up in the mess hall to find out who your partner is going to be." The mess hall was across from the three cabins and was a very large building. And beside that was the building where Zach, Eryk, Abby, Natalie, Rachael, and unbeknownst to the YouTubers, the people who were truly behind this camp were going to stay. "So let's get going!" She exclaimed, "First person done gets a small cash prize!"

That set off the YouTubers and they all rushed towards the cabins. Naturally, the girls and boys separated. Lisa, Kalel, Meghan, and Mari claimed the cabin farthest to the right and the men split between the remaining two. Anthony, Ian, Dan, and Phil took one cabin and Toby, Jack, Shane, and Joey took the other.

Inside each cabin was four beds. And on those beds were bare mattresses, with folded sheets on top. Everyone hastily made their beds and unpacked their bags into the trunks at the feet of the beds before running out of the cabins. Coincidentally, all of the YouTubers finished at the same time, and it was only a matter of who could burst through the mess hall's doors first.

Joey made it through the doors first and was met by Natalie who handed him a wad of money - $200. He waved the money in the air in triumph as the YouTubers entered after him in defeat. They sat down at the tables and stared at the empty stage. Chatter filled the hall until the group that welcomed them walked up on the stage.

"Alright, let's get to business!" Eryk remarked as he clapped his hands together, "We've got to pair you up."

Dan raised his hand, "Do we get to choose or do you get to?"

"We already determined who your partners are," Rachael answered, "But..." She scanned the room and sighed, "It seems you already found them." Everyone looked around at the pairs already created - Anthony and Ian, Kalel and Mari, Meghan and Lisa, Joey and Shane, Dan and Phil, and Toby and Jack. "So we're all set, I guess."

"Well that was easy," Zach added with a slight chuckle.

"What do we do now?" Lisa questioned.

Just then, the speakers emanated a heavily-accented voice, "First challenge is about to begin. Please meet up by the lake in fifteen minutes." The five people on the stage had the same worried expression as the YouTubers, even though they weren't participating.

"I thought you said tonight was going to be relaxed!" Shane whined.

"Change of plans," Natalie answered shakily as they all left for the lake.

Author's Note: Apologies for the insanely long and most likely boring chapter =P Anyways, hopefully the next chapter will be more exciting! Thanks for reading! -rac06h10ael

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