[Chapter 20] Nothing Like We Were Expecting

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Author's Note: Hey guys! So before you go on to reading this chapter (which is the last one of the book - can you believe it?), I just want to thank all of you SOOOOO much. I'm going to be honest, this book wouldn't be as good as it is without you. You guys and your feedback has been a huge help in writing this and I literally can't thank you enough =) Anyways, I hope you liked this book and I hope you like this chapter! -rac06h10ael

Phil walked through the door of his apartment, closing the door behind him. He took his jacket off and hung it on the hook. He walked through the empty apartment to his bedroom, where he threw himself under the covers. If it wasn't for the radio show he had today, he would've stayed in bed all day. He wouldn't have changed out of the sweatpants and sweatshirt he had been wearing for the past few days. He wouldn't have taken a shower or brushed his hair.

The radio show wasn't the same anymore. Dan wasn't his co-host. It was some special guest BBC Radio could find on short notice. The show must go on. Phil tried to act happy for the live audience and fans who were watching the show online. But it wasn't the same, and everyone knew it. Special guest, audience member, or fan.

Just then, three knocks echoed through the apartment. Phil groaned and pulled his pillow over his head, hoping that the knocks wouldn't repeat themselves. But, to his dismay, they did. Louder. Phil rolled his eyes and threw the pillow to the side, rolling out of bed and trudging through the apartment to the door. He opened it and was shocked to see who it was.

"Marzia?" Phil asked.

A friendly smile grew on her face, "Hi, Phil. Is Dan here?"

Phil swallowed hard, "Um...no, he's not."

"Where is he?"

"Dead," Phil mumbled under his breath, hanging his head as tears began to sting his eyes.

"Wait...what?" Marzia retorted, shocked. Phil nodded his head grimly, wiping under his eyes before looking up at the YouTuber. "What happened?"

"It's a really long story, Marzia, and I'd rather not waste your time explaining it all to you." He tried to close the door when she stuck her hand out and stopped it.

"Oh, but please," She insisted, walking inside the apartment without an invitation. She spun around so she was facing Phil, who slowly closed the door behind her, "I have time to kill, you know, since Felix hasn't been home for weeks."

Phil glanced back at her, "What did you say?"

"I said Felix hasn't been home for weeks," She walked into the lounge and over to the dining table, setting the purse she was carrying down and slipping into one of the four chairs around the rectangular table.

Phil followed her in there, "Do you know what he said he was doing before he left?"

She shook her head, "No."

Anger boiled up inside Phil as he recalled those few brutal weeks he wished he didn't remember. He asked her another question, "Did you know he lured twenty-one people to a place in the middle of nowhere and killed all but one?"

Marzia's head jerked in Phil's direction, "Excuse me?"

"Yeah, that's what he did, Marzia." Phil slipped into the seat next to her and looked directly into her brown eyes, "When he was gone for the weeks. He lured twelve YouTubers, a group of five friends, and four innocent fans to this place he liked to call 'Camp YouTube' and killed all of them but me. And Eryk."


"He was one of the five friends. He died, but he really didn't, and then he was working for Felix and-"

Camp YouTube (YouTube FanFic) #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now