1: The calming hug

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May 16th, 2017.

1: The calming hug - When you hug someone to call them down, after a panic attack or when someone's angry at themselves.


Josh turned the sound of the tv down and smiled as he heart faint piano playing from the apartment next to him.

It was the last apartment down the hallway and Josh was their only neighbor. The apartment complex was above a three story high store, so no one lived underneath him or the apartment next to him.

Josh didn't mind having the apartment and whoever lived in it as his neighbor 'cause every night he heard piano playing and a sweet, soft voice singing.

This time it was an all piano piece. He recognized it from the French movie Intouchables. The song was called Fly by Ludovico Einaudi and it was one of his most favorite piano pieces of all time.

But the mystery boy didn't only play stuff like that. He also played Speeding Cars by Walking on Cars for example, and Princess Die by Lady Gaga. He also played some songs Josh had never heard. Maybe songs he simply didn't know, or songs that the boy had written himself. Josh didn't know.

But he'd never seen the boy - he guessed it was a boy, since his voice sounded like it. He wasn't entirely sure, though.

And it was almost midnight, so Josh undressed 'till he was left in his boxers, crawled in bed and listened to the piano playing in the background that slowly lulled him to sleep.


A day passed and while Josh got ready for bed, since it was almost midnight again, he heard a few simple notes, and then some chords on the piano.

Josh smiled as he undressed so he was left in his boxers. He got himself a glass of water and got into bed, when he mystery piano boy started the intro of a song. Josh hadn't heard it before, so he didn't want to fall asleep but hear the whole song.

"I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care but it's so cold and I don't know where", the boy started singing, and Josh mentally cheered. He loved the piano songs, but especially when the boy sang along.

"I brought you daffodils in a pretty string but they won't flower like they did last spring."

Josh pulled the duvets more on top of him. For some reason he could hear the piano and voice a little bit clearer than usual.

"And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright. I'm just so tired to share my nights", he could hear the voice of the mystery boy crack, and he felt bad for him. Not for the fact that his voice cracked, but because of the emotion he could hear in his voice.

"I wanna cry and I wanna love, but all my tears have been used up", he heard the boy softly sing, before a little piano part.

"On another love, another love, all my tears have been used up", Josh heard, voice cracking again.

"On another love, another love, all my tears have been used up. On another love, another love, all my tears have been used up."

Then there was a piano part and the mystery boy started to play the piano louder, a little harsher.

"And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight. But my hands been broken, once too many times", he sang. His voice got louder, too. It sounded like... like he was hurt or something.

"So I'll use my voice, I'll be so fucking rude", he sang, voice getting louder and even harsher.
"Words they always win, but I know I'll lose".

10 Ways to Hug (Joshler one-shots) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now