5: The reassuring hug

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June 17th, 2017.

5: The reassuring hug - When you hug after a fight or disagreement to let someone know that you're alright, you'll get through everthing together.

Another continuation! I got an idea that fit with last part's whole plot so here ya goooo


Tyler came back home from work and shut the door behind him.

"Josh? Did we get a letter from the DIV?" Tyler asked as he walked into the kitchen and took off his suit jacket.

"What's that?" Josh asked. "Disabled American Veterans charitable service trust", Tyler said.

"Oh yeah! I can remember we got a letter from that", Josh hummed.

Tyler halted. "...you're kidding", he said. Josh looked up from cutting up carrots. "No? Why would I?" He asked, before looking back and continuing what he was doing.

"Are you serious?! Why didn't you tell me? When did we get that?" Tyler asked. Josh shrugged. "I don't know, like, two weeks ago maybe?" He replied.

"Josh why the hell! Why didn't you tell me about that letter! They're the single most fucking important charity we were gonna work with and that letter was fucking important! I was supposed to close the deal, like, a week ago!" Tyler raised his voice.

"Well how was I supposed to know that? I didn't know you hadn't seen it", Josh said.

"Why the hell are you touching my mail anyways? What if I lose my job because of this?!" Tyler yelled.

"You should've checked the mail yourself then!" Josh said as he put the knife down. "I did! But it wasn't there!" Tyler replied.

"I just cleaned it up, 'cause you're too tired to do that after work!" Josh tried, but Tyler didn't wanna hear it. "Where is it?" He asked. "In the drawer with all the other mail. Why didn't you immediately check that drawer if you were waiting for that letter?" Josh asked. Tyler walked to the drawer Josh was talking about and rummaged through it, until he found the letter.

"Because it only contains our opened letters!" Tyler replied. "Not important stuff from work that I didn't even know we received!" He grabbed his phone from his pocket and started dialing the number that was given on the letter.

"I'm sorry, okay?! I didn't know it was important! I'm sorry!" Josh exclaimed.

"Shut up, I'm trying to make a call!" Tyler yelled back and he slammed the bedroom door shut behind him.

Tears jumped into Josh's eyes as his mouth opened to say something, but no words came out. He choked out a sob and he leaned against the kitchen counter, letting himself slide down until he was sitting on the cold tile floor with his legs pulled up and his arms on his knees, with his face buried in his arms.


Tyler ended the call and sighed. The DIV was still more than happy to work with the company Tyler worked for, and he felt a lot better and relieved. He put his phone away and then halted.


He sighed as he buried his face in his hands.

Poor Josh. He didn't deserve any of it and Tyler fucked it up. He felt horrible about it and he had to fix it as soon as he could.

He stood up and took a deep breath, before opening the bedroom door.

"Josh?" Tyler called out carefully. There was no answer, so Tyler slowly walked to the kitchen, where he then heard soft sniffles coming from. He quickened his pace and found Josh on the cold tile ground.

"Oh Josh, oh baby", Tyler said as he saw his fiancé with his face buried in his arms crying on the floor.

He kneeled down and pulled Josh in a hug. "I'm sorry, Josh. God, I'm so, so terribly sorry", he sighed as he closed his eyes, trying not to cry.

Josh clung onto Tyler immediately as the tears fell from his eyes.

"I'm sorry", he sobbed. "I'm so sorry I didn't know it was important and I didn't mean to hide it from you I'm so sorry", he sobbed. Tyler shook his head. "No, Joshie, you don't have to apologize", Tyler told him. "I shouldn't've yelled at you. I shouldn't've blamed you for it, I shouldn't've gotten mad at you when it's my own responsibility and my own fault that I didn't just look in the drawer immediately, it's my fault that I never get the mail 'cause you never do that before I get home in case there's something for me, it's my fault. Not yours. I'm sorry I got mad at you and yelled at you and made you cry, I didn't mean any of it I am so so so so so sorry. You're the most important thing in my entire life, Joshie", Tyler whispered. "And I know I said that I didn't want to lose my job because of it but if I did that would never, ever be your fault. And I just... yelled at you", he muttered. "I can't believe I did that to you, I'm such an awful fiancé", he sighed.

"Don't say that", Josh whispered. "You're not an awful fiancé".

"But I am-", Tyler started, but Josh cut him off.

"I just..." he started, causing Tyler to stop talking. "I just want to... I just want to marry you", Josh sighed as he sat back against the kitchen counter and grabbed Tyler's hand in his. He looked at him.

"I just want you to be my husband. I don't care about anything else. I don't care if we end up being homeless, as long as I can call you my husband. I just want to call you my husband. I just want to marry you, that's all I want", he whispered.

"God, I wanna marry you so badly", Tyler sighed. "You'll never, ever will be less important than my job. You're my everything. I'm so sorry for being so awful to you. I hope you can please forgive me", Tyler told him, squeezing Josh's hand gently.

Josh smiled softly as he wiped his tears away. "I already did", he said, before pulling Tyler close and giving him a kiss.

"Just like we got through this, we'll get through everything together", Tyler whispered as he hugged his fiancé tightly.


Whoop I wrote this one so quickly! What did you guys think of it? I love to hear from you! Love you.

10 Ways to Hug (Joshler one-shots) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now