Chapter 4

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Ah Ro's POV

I woke up the next day to the sun shining on my face through the window. How the hell did I get here, I thought.
"Morning sunshine." I looked to the side to see V.
"Morning." I said. "How did I get into bed?"  He walked towards me.
"Who do you think?" He said.
"Jimin?" He laughed.
"No silly, it was Jungkook." I looked at him to see if I heard correctly. My ex bully tucked me into bed. Wow!
"Anyways, get ready. We have to go to the studio." I nodded.
"I will be down in five." He nodded and left.

I went into the bathroom and had a quick shower. After the shower I brushed my teeth and put on my outfit.

(Her outfit)

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(Her outfit)

I brushed my hair quickly and let it loose. I didn't bother to do my make up so I didn't need to look into the mirror. I made my way downstairs and heard the boys in the living room so walked in.
"Hey guys, I'm ready." I said. They all looked at me and their jaws dropped, except from Jungkook, who had a smirk.
"What's wrong?" I asked with a confused face.
"Erm...Ah Ro....your...your hair." Said Jimin as he pointed at it.
"My hair?" I said feeling it. "What's wrong with my hair?" 
"You might want to look in the mirror." Said Jungkook as he let out a chuckle. I walked towards the living room mirror and let out a scream at what I saw.

 I walked towards the living room mirror and let out a scream at what I saw

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(Aftermath of Ah Ro's hair)

"WHO DID THIS TO ME?" I yelled. Jungkook started to laugh and the boys joined in.
"Hey, it isn't that bad." Said Jimin.
"Are you serious?" Said Yoongi as he started to laugh too. "Who ever did this has some serious swag."
"This is not funny." I said to Yoongi as I felt the tears fall.
"Here she goes crying again." Said Jungkook as he rolled his eyes.
"Just leave her alone, guys." Said Jimin. I smiled at him in appreciation.
"Hey, it's ok." He said as he pulled me into a hug.  "I think the colours suit you a lot."
"Really?" I said as I sniffed.
"A hundred percent and I agree with him." Said V.
"Thanks you guys."
"Jungkook weren't you the last person in her room last night." Asked Rap Mon.
"Yeah, and?" He asked. "What are you trying to imply?"
"Nothing, I'm just asking if you saw anything?"
"No." He said.
"What did you wear on your hair?" Asked Hoseok.
"Shampoo." I said.
"Maybe it was replaced by something else." Said Jin." Let me go check." He made his way upstairs to my room and returned after 10-15 mins.
"Yes, just like I expected. Someone replaced your shampoo with rainbow hair dye."
"Oh no." I said. "Will it come off?" I begged with my eyes that he would give me an answer I would love to hear.
"Yes, don't worry it's temporary." I sighed in relief.
"Oh thank goodness." I said. "I will find out who it was and make them pay." I looked at Jungkook as I said this, I knew it was him, I just needed proof.
I will show him, I'm not the same Ah Ro that I was back in high school.


We reached back home from the studio after doing all the work that needed to be done.
The boys were downstairs doing whatever boys do. This was my chance to go into Jungkook's room and find any evidence that would show him as the culprit.
I walked out of the room slowly and made my way into Jungkook's room. Slowly, closing the door behind me I walked to his dresser and looked through everything. I completed the same routine in his bathroom as well, with no luck. I did not find a single evidence. Maybe I was wrong, maybe he wasn't the culprit. Ha, yeah right!  I thought.
Before I left the room, sighing in defeat my eyes locked on to the bin in Jungkook's room. I never checked it, maybe it would have some proof. I ran to the bin with a wide smile and tossed all the trash out one by one. Finally, at the bottom I found a box. As I turned the box around I saw the words 'Rainbow hair dye' written in bold. So it was him, I was right. I threw all the trash back after grabbing the box and did a happy dance as I finally found the evidence I was looking for.
"GOODNIGHT HYUNG!" I heard Jungkook shout from down the hall. I froze in the middle of my happy dance as my eyes widen like saucers. Oh no! I'm dead. I paced around the room in a panic trying to find a place to hide. I ran towards the closet. No, too obvious. Jungkook's footsteps sounded closer, I didn't have much time. Praying I wouldn't get caught I quickly slide under the bed and closed my eyes and held my breath as I saw the door creak open and a figure walk into the room.
Jungkook took his shoes off and stripped down into his boxers. I wouldn't mind seeing the view. I thought. What the hell Ah Ro. When did I ever feel attracted to Jungkook. I'm going mad. I tried to find a way to sneak out of the room but it was pointless. I had to wait until Jungkook was asleep so I could leave. Well, this would take time.

* 3 hours later*

It had been quiet for a while now and I was still in the room. Maybe he was asleep. Finding this as my opportunity, I crawled out from under the bed and made my way to the door crawling slowly and quietly. As I reached the door, a smile spread on my face as I was close to escaping and not being caught.
"Stop right there." I froze as I heard the person walk behind me. Slowly, I turned around to come face to face with Jungkook staring at me in amusement.
"What, you thought I didn't notice you under my bed?" He said crouching down to be levelled with me.
"Well, I did." He traced his fingers down the side of my face. "And will pay for snooping in my room." A shiver ran down my spine as he smirked at me. Oh god, I'm definitely dead!

(Not Today-BTS, love this song)

Hey guys, be sure to vote and comment what you think!
Sorry for the late update but I have a really busy life 🙄🙄🙄

Love you guys and until next time!! 😘😘😘

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