Chapter 1 - Part 2

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"Oh shit." Pidge hissed as she saw them, shoving the map back in her bag as the trio slid down in their seats to try and avoid notice. Thankfully, their table was near the back of the bar so they were out of the soldiers' sights, but this meant that they would have to somehow find their way past them to get to the door.

"Let's go." Keith mumbled to Jynn,  standing up at the sight of the Galra. Jynn grabbed him arm, pulling him back down without turning around.
"Sit and order some food. If we leave now we'll seem suspicious." Jynn whispered to him, so Keith sat back down, subconsciously glancing back at the group of three.

"What do we do? Cause a distraction?" Lance quietly asked his friends as the soldiers made their way further into the tavern, looking around. Silence had fallen in the tavern, everyone looking down at their drinks or away from the Galra, not wanting to meet their eyes.
"I say we stay and try to look normal, they might not see us." Hunk replied, picking up his empty mug and pretending to take a sip out of it. "If they recognise us, then we get the hell out."

"Jynn I want to go." Keith mumbled to her as the soldiers made their way past them.
"Suck it up, buttercup." She replied, face in a menu. "A soup sounds nice, what do you think?"
"I think we should get the fuck out!" Keith hissed.

"Shh..." she whispered. "Stay quiet." She beckoned to the bar tender. "Two soups." She smiled, keeping her voice soft as to not direct any attention towards them. The bartender nodded nervously before moving away.

The soldiers walked past the bar, looking around the tavern at the people there as they went.
"We're looking for three criminals." The leader announced loudly to the hushed tavern, effectively silencing all noise.

"A waterbender, an airbender and an earthbender.  Anyone who can tell us where they are will be awarded nicely," As he spoke, he lifted a bag of money into the air. Behind him, three soldiers brought out a wanted poster for each person mentioned, showing them to the patrons of the tavern.
"They're wanted for treason, and murder."

Jynn and Keith looked at the posters, before instantly turning back around to face the bar.
"Shit, it's them." Jynn whispered to Keith, her eyes widening.
"Shhh!" Came the reply.

A few moments of silence passed before one man stood and pointed to the table at the back of the bar, the one the trio were sat at.

"Time to go?" Hunk asked, rising from his chair.
"Time to go." Pidge agreed with a nod.

"Grab them!" The lead soldier ordered, throwing the man the bag of money as the others darted towards the trio.

Hunk stood up fully, stamping his foot on the ground and pushing his hand outwards, causing a spire of rock to slam into the chest of the middle man, sending him flying across the tavern.

"Help them." Jynn stated to Keith, who looked at her like she was insane.
"No! They're criminals!"
"We're not much better!" She replied.

Pidge thrust out her hands, a large burst of air slamming into the table and causing it to fly into the face of another soldier, sending him to the ground in an explosion of wood splinters.

Lance spun, water from drinks flowing behind him, and slid his hands out towards the other guard left standing. The water flew through the air, encasing him in the water then freezing him too the floor.

"Let's go!" Hunk yelled, grabbing his bag before rushing towards the door, Pidge and Lance hot on his heels.

The lead soldier ran towards the trio, and began to bend a boulder at them. Jynn sighed and grabbed a plate from the woman sitting next to her and threw it at him, hitting him on the back of the head and sending him to the floor.

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