Chapter 4 - Part 3

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There was a sharp whistle from the forest, making everyone quickly lunge to their feet and scan the tree line, Lance instantly bending water into his hands.
Before anyone could react, a pillar of earth erupted from the ground, slamming into Allura and knocking her backwards with enough force for her to skid a few feet before stopping.

"ALLURA!" Coran shouted, beginning to run towards her when another pillar slammed into his side. He quickly got up from where he had fallen and ran back over to Allura, another pillar flying up to try and stop him. However, he used it as a platform and pushed off it with a burst of air, landing by Allura's side as she rose to her knees.

"Everyone stay close and alert." Shiro ordered after the second pillar, the rest of them instantly grouping together, turning back to back in a ring, facing the forest and any potential attackers. Almost as soon as he spoke, a pillar shot up and collided with his jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground, unconscious.

"Shiro!" Carrie exclaimed, turning back to the forest and bending up chunks of rock from the ground before throwing out her hands and sending them flying into the trees around them. In the brief period of calm it bought her she grabbed Shiro underneath the arms and dragged him into the centre of the group, making sure he wasn't hurt to badly before gently placing him back on the ground.

Off to the side Allura rose to her feet, wincing at the pain in her ribs before drawing herself up straight and in one fluid motion, summoned a large gust of wind towards her, knocking three people from the forest into the clearing with them.

Keith grabbed Jynn's arm out of instinct, pushing her behind him as he stood protectively in front of her. The bandit closest to him regained his balance after Allura's blast and began to prepare himself for the fight when Keith punched out a blast of fire, setting the ground around him alight and trapping him in place. Unfortunately, the bandit had a gun which he aimed towards Keith through the flames. Just before he could pull the trigger, a tendril of water snapped across the man's head, sending him sprawling to the ground unconscious. Keith turned and saw Lance, who had water covering his arms, and grinned in thanks. Lance smiled back with a nod, and they both turned back to the fight, Keith gathering fire into his hands as he did so.

A large rock was thrown towards the group from the forest, landing just short of them with a loud crash. Jynn threw her hands forward and dragged them up, roughly mimicking a move she'd seen Hunk practice a few days prior, and a thick wall erupted from the ground in front of the trio, moments before three more rocks embedded themselves into its surface. She forced her hands downwards, bringing down the wall, and snapped out her arms towards the rocks, raising them into the air and launching them back into the forest, one straying from its path and unintentionally taking out one of the other bandits.

The last bandit had quickly recovered from being knocked into the clearing and aimed their gun at Pidge, obviously thinking she would be a weaker target because of her smaller stature and age, but that wasn't the case at all. Pidge jumped and spun, slicing her arms downwards and sending a wave of air towards the bandit, which caused them to slam against a tree with a loud crack and their gun to misfire into the ground. They slumped to the floor and didn't move, gun knocked out of their hand a few feet away from their unmoving form.

With a powerful stomp, Hunk opened the ground under the last bandit's feet and closed it around her body so she couldn't move.

At the commotion Alfor had let out a noise of panic and took of into the air, flying upwards to try and get away from the loud noise and the bandits. However, a chain snapped out of the forest, lashing around his middle and began to pull him back towards the ground, Alfor struggling against it with all of his strength.

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