Days (chapter 2)

12 1 2

Daniel's POV

"Sunlight and fresh air." I started to say to myself as I walked down the street. People didn't seem to notice me, which suited me fine. I had no clue where to stay. So, I just walked. Maybe I was invisible. Who knows? I just wanted to start a life. Money? Money. My one problem right now is money. Pounds? Currency. Hotel? Trivago. This is all so unfamiliar.  I'm  just going to roam around for a while. I went to the park. Is that what they call it? A park? It's just cleared out land with A few trees and other strange objects that aren't familiar with nature. I think a playground and benches. I was wandering and remembered I had some human currency from my mini trips to the different regions of the world. Dollars? Pounds? Euros? Pesos? Yuan? Dinar? Yen? Whatever I have I can exchange for pounds right? Well I need to find somewhere to exchange first. So, I walked BACK to the airport. And I waited, and waited, and waited til i was ay the front, exchanging all money I possibly had and managed to come out pretty well. I started walking again,not to explore but for a place to stay. I can't afford an apartment right now, maybe a hotel? Just as I had this thought of paying hotel "rent," I stumbled across a hotel. Just my luck, it was nice but affordable. I pushed the door open and stepped inside, walking straight towards the clerk at the desk a few yards ahead of me. My first human interaction. This was a momentous occasion and yet I had  no clue how to react or what to say. I didn't realize that I was moving forward the entire time while i was thinking and arrived at the desk counter. I was in deep though until interrupted by a voice. "Can I help you sir?" It was the clerk. "Y-yes. Can I possibly get a hotel room?" My voice cracked some. I hope she didn't notice, but I think she did. "Yes, you can. Let me give you a key to a room." She turned around and got a key than handed to me. I gave her my first nights payment and walked to the elevator and went up to the 3rd floor and down the corridor to my room with the number '316' on the door in a golden plaque. I used the key to get in. It worked. I don't know what I was expecting. It wasn't fancy, it was comfortable and cozy. I shut the door behind me and got settled pretty quickly. Nearly hanging my collared shirts and folding my trousers and other shirts. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time and the charge. "8:13pm. 78%" I whispered aloud to myself. I looked around at the room again, then at my phone. I slipped the key into my pocket and slipped my phone in my pocket as well. A late stroll didn't sound like a bad idea. So, that's exactly what I did. A late night stroll through the town. It seemed empty unlike it was a few hours before. The streets were empty as they were once full. There was barely any light. Just some neon store signs and a few street lights. It almost seemed lifeless. For most of my stroll I didn't see anyone. No one to judge me. No one to see me. My existence is nothing in this world,yet. Maybe I will mean something, eventually. I was on my way back to the hotel when I saw a figure. It spooked me. It was a dark, shadowed figure. I couldn't see exactly what this mysterious creture looked like. I got closer, seeing more light and more detail of the person. A male, tall and skinny but pale. He seemed to be a ghostly white, like you could see straight through him. It intrigued me. He seemed like he had hidden the world yet, you could see through to his soul. He had dark hair, it looked black to me. From this distance at least. His features were so defined, like razor sharp edges. He wore all black to match his hair. I noticed markings on his arms. I suppose tattoos. I studied his beauty, unnoticed. Then, he turned and looked at me with his piercing blue eyes and pretty face. I would have ran in fear from being beat up or yelled at but I could not move. He came closer and closer while my face grew hotter and hotter of embarrassment. Before I knew it, he was standing right in front of me. He looked at me, but I could not look at him any longer. Instead, I was studying the ground, the pavement underneath us. I could sense him, I could feel his body heat close to mine, yet, I could not say a word to express how I felt about this moment nor, a word about this man's beauty. I just froze silent. The silence was nice but suspicious. Soon enough, the silence was broken by a 3 word phrase, "Who are you?"

Authors note:
I am sorry I have not been writting or updating. (or posting on my instagram) But I am out of school now so I have more free time and can write and update more. Sorry there may be some typos because I wrote this pretty quickly and didn't really revise and check it much. Sorry this chapter is short but you can't really judge yet because I'm starting off with short chapters it seems. To escalate the story? Anyway, tell me your thoughts in the comments and give me feedback please. I do want to improve my terrible writting.

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