In the city (chapter 3)

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"W-who am I? I'm. Uh. I. Uh. My name is Daniel, but many call me Dan." I choked on my own words. I couldn't look at him. I just stared at his pitch black shoes. "Okay Daniel, I'm Phil." He lifted my chin and have gave me a smug smirk. "You're different Daniel. Very different." Phil's voice was so smooth. Not a crack of flaw. I couldn't help but listen to it. I managed to stay calm even though Phil was extremely close. "I uhm better get back to my hotel. I just arrived in London today." Phil's expression changed but I couldn't identify what he was expressing. "Oh okay, wait right here." He pulled a piece of paper out of his jacket pocket. He took then pen out of the other pocket ans wrote something on the slip of paper. He walked back to me ans handed me the paper. I looked at it and noticed it was his phone number. I stared at it til he spoke. "Text me anytime Danny." Then he walked away, and so did I. After he was out of sight, I quickly put the number in my phone. I couldn't  believe some one like him was giving his number to someone like me. Was this actually happening? He wants to talk to me? Possibly be my friend? He seemed to be fairly kind for someone with a rough looking exterior. It's like they say, "you can't judge a book by it's cover," which is very true. After pondering a bit about why this 'punk' boy wanted to be my friend and talk to me, I walked back to the hotel and upstairs to my hotel room. I plopped down on the bed and looked at the ceiling. I grabbed my phone and looked at Phil's contact. I sighed, not wanting to come off as clingy or needy by texting too early or a lot. After 30 minutes I got the courage and texted the attractive inked boy. 'Hey, It's Daniel if you didn't know. Sorry if I'm bothering you.' I stared and waited to see if he would reply. I don't know why but a grin came across my face as I saw his reply. 'Hey DANIEL. Lol sorry, stupid caps lock. Anyway, you aren't bothering me. It's cool that you texted. Assures me you aren't dead.' I focused on one word of his response, 'cool'. It was cool? I was cool?!?! I don't know how. What's happening? I have a friend? A good looking, funny, and weirdly strange friend who thought things I did were cool. I was forced out of my deep pondering thoughts by the sound of a text notification. It was Phil, 'goodnight angel'. Angel... He calls me Angel. Is that his nickname for me or does he know that I am truly an actual Angel?

Authors note:
This is really short. It's like an in between chapter because i didn't really want to cram two different settings or ideas into one. I am working on this and drafting another story and will publish that soon. I'm sorry I haven't been updating i guess you could say I've just gotten a bit busy with some life stuff that no one cares about. :P Well enjoy. Comment your thoughts and ideas as I want to become a better writer. Also, tell me if you like the story. I'm just starting out and I'm not used to writing for people to see except dumb school essays and that shit. (Swearing,sorry)

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