walk in the park

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~time skip~ at dismissal time

"So you ready??" Soarin asks
"Yup!" I said

~at the park~

We just walk around for a bit then I spoke

"Really?" I said
"Really what?" He asked in confusion
"Out of all the girls your asking me to hang out with you?!" I replied
"Well your so much better to hang out with" he said

I blushed at that moment he said that. I didn't know I was starting to have feelings for him

Soarin POV

I asked rainbow to walk with me around the park because its not just to thank her for being so nice to me.. But to know her better...and for every girls I saw I never liked them I thought I'll never like a girl until I met her...every time I look at her eyes she hipnotize me easily I can't believe I'm saying this but I may have a crush on her....I told my cousins about rainbow and I have a thing for her fleetfoot told me  'ha! Good luck with that rainbow's the Queen of all sports and the captain of every team! She doesn't like sappy things, she defends her friends when they get bullied and most importantly if you get her really mad.....she'll....umm who know what she's gonna do to ya but you'll be in trouble with her big time!' When I heard that my heart raced even more 'oh she likes sports too'

"So soarin whats with the whole winking thing at me earlier?" She asked

"Oh ummm....nothing just for fun" I lied cuz I tried to flirt with her and trying to see if she'll faint cuz every girl I wink at.....faints

"Well ok" she said

I'm not ending this conversation! I'll try to tell her how I feel somehow....

"How bout you? What's with all your friends acting all magical and stuff. Like that time you said you fight magical monsters and your friend saying your not just ordinary people and your other friend saying about secret and you guys covering your mouths after finishing what you guys were saying" I asked

Back to rainbow POV

oh gosh! Its getting obvious!!!

"Well I...you heard applejack at the last part...its.a.secret!" I saved my self
"Oh really?" He said suspiciously
"Hhehheheheheheh" I tried changing the topic but he change it himself phew!!!!
"You like sports?" He asked
"I love sports!!!!!!" I squealed!!!

We were at the forestry part of the park. Then we heard something from behind the trees...

"You hear that" he asked
"Run!" I told him

We ran then we ended up in a cliff then we got cornered by wolves

"Uhhh what do we do? I'm too famous to die!" He said
"Gee!!! Is he that full of himself?!" I said
"Rainbow? Any plans??" He asked

I thought for a second and come up with an idea....but I thought again to consider my decision but there was not other way....I looked back and the ground was really deep

"I don't have any ideas! You?" He asked again
"Yup! But you have to trust me!" I said
"Of course!!! Even If it means of getting outta this situation!!!" He said
"Ok.....jump" I simply said
"Are.you.CRAZY.woman?!!!!!!!" He Said
"No I'm not!!! Now please you have to trust me!!!" I begged him
"I....." He sighed and calm down"ok but your in charge!!!!!!"
"Deal" I held his hand and jumped
"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!" He screamed "what ever you planned to do...do it now!!!!!!"

I focused.............I ponied up ears,tails and especially and most importantly wings came out!!!! I held him and some how he got lighter...it must've been because if I held someone while I'm flying he floats and stays beside me which is easier for me to carry him..soarin was speechless when that happen so I flew with him to the ground safely. Soarin's mouth were open so I acted cool and closed his mouth

"W....wha...what?? What was that all about?!" He asked
"Its my friend's secret" I replied he walked around me and even touched my wing I felt weird when he did that
"Wow! Your friends can turn into...this??" He said
"Well yea...we transform into this when we play our instruments,acting our elements and it appears at random times cuz the magic is going high wire and such" I said
"Woah! Wait! Acting your elements??" He asked
"my friends you saw earlier this morning. Well we are the elements of harmony rarity is the element of generosity, applejack is the element of honesty, pinkie pie is the element of laughter, fluttershy is the element of kindness,twilight is the element of magic and sunset.....umm IDK but I do know she's a part of us" I explained
"I see but the elements you mentioned are the like......the elements of friendship" he said
"Correct! In fact twilight is the princess of friendship! She is the leader in our group and She lived in a different world. But sunset shimmer stole her crown she used the portal to get there....the crown that sunset stole is very important Cause it holds the power of the elements...that's why its the element of magic😉 so sunset turned into a demon we stopped her using the magic she bought here from Equestria so when she left we thought she took all the magic back with her but wrong... Whenever we play we ponied up!" I explained
"Wait a second ponied up? Equestria? Sunset turning into a demon Huh????? What?? I get the rest but....that was amazing!!!!!" He squealed
"Heh, told ya' but please don't tell about it to anybody else! Promise me soarin!!!!" I begged

He looked at me in the eyes "I promise!! And wow this is cool!!! My girlfrie- I mean my friend is a superhero!!!!!!!! So what element are you?"
"Element of loyalty" I replied
"Awesome!!!" He said

Did I just hear soarin earlier called me his 'girlfriend???' Nahhh no way!!!

"What else can you and your friends do?" He asked.
"Fluttershy can talk to animals and when she pony up she have wings too, pinkie can make sprinkles expload by throwing them and when she pony up she'll just have ears and tails like this hair extension of mine, rarity can make shiny shield or make shiny things and when she pony up she just get ears and tails but she can levitate things, applejack has super strength and when she pony up she'll just have ears and tails just like pinkie pie, sunset can read minds and seek your problems and when she pony up I'm really tired saying those things...any who she will just grew ears and tails and levitate things (I don't know about the wings thing) next we have princess twilight she can levitate things and pony up she'll have wings, and ears...of course a princess gets the best right? So both magic and wings..." I said gosh! I'm tired when I said all those stuff!!
"What about you?" He asked..again
"Super speed and this transformation" I said
"Superspeed??! That's freaking awesome!!!....I wish I can fly!!" He said
"Hmmm" I thought of something....I held his hand then flew with him in the air

"Wow.....this is amazing I mean your amazing!!!" He complemented me
I blushed again
"Who needs a plane when you can have freestyle!!!!!" He cheered
"Heheh what's with you today?" I said
Then I thought of something fun...I flew with him higher to the sky
"Woooohoooo!!!!" He cheered
I let go of his hand and he screamed
"Ahhh!! Rainbow dash!!!!" He yelled
I catched him and lift him back the the sky
"You are crazy!!!!!" Breaths heavenly
"Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Argue all you want!!! Its worth it!!!!" I said playfully
"Heheh it was pretty funny" he considered it
"Its getting late I should probably get back home" I said with a frown
"But hey at least we had good memories right?" he cheered me up
"Your right" I asked him where he lives and guess what where neighbors..."

~timeskip~ at ponyvill homesite

"Were here" I said. My ears, tails and wings disappeared
"You made this the best day ever rainbow dash!!!!!!!" He said

I forgot to ask him about writing dashie to his note but he already went inside so I'll jut tell him tom.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hey!!! So how was it??? Hope you like it!!!!!!!!! Please write on the comments for some details that I can write on the story. Or some suggestions!!!!!!!! 😁😁😁 hope you enjoyed it!

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