hang with me and be friends

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*next 3 weeks*

Dash was sent back from the hospital yesterday..so I've decided to help her remember me. I went to her house and knocked.

"Dash? Hello??" I called then no answer..I hope she's alright...so I called one of her friends...I'll just call Twilight

The convo

"Hello? Twilight?" 😧

"Soarin? Why are you calling?"😕

"Just came to ask...where's dashie?"😦

"Hahahha dashie.....ok wait umm.....I think she's on France today..." 😂


"On France"😇

"What is she doing there?"😕

"I think she went to visit her cousin light strike"😐


"well that's about it..."😇

"K thanks, bye" 😃


End of convo

"Huh.....maybe I should give her some space........alone..." I said

Rainbow POV

"Hey cousin what do you think about France?" I asked

"Well its amazing cause they have amazing sites, yummy restaurants, and you know more beautiful sites, oh and malls...." Light said


"Hey want me to show you around?" He offered

"Yup..." I replied


"Who me? Thank you!" I said which made him laugh......I feel like I've been here before.............w..with someone............I just can't point my finger at it!!!..

*after a few minutes*

"Its cousin picture time!!!!" We selfied at some of the statues..."


"Lets picture over there!!!!" I said

"Ok...what ever you say dashie" a familiar voice said

*End of flashback*

"Strange I really feel I've been here before..." I said

"Hey.... What's wrong cous,?" Light strike asked

"W..what....oh...its umm nothing....."
I replied

"Ok.." she said

*after 1 week*

I went home and walked to the park to chillax then I saw someone sitting on the ground so I went to him cause he looks lonely so I held his shoulder then he was in shock for a second

true colors (a soarindash story) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now