single or taken????

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~the next day~ in CHS

"So how was your date with soarin yesterday??" Rarity asked
"Its not a date rarity" I corrected her....or was it? I forgot to ask him if he has a girlfriend or not.....but I'll ask him if I have time
"Did you have fun??" Pinkie asked
"Yea, it was grate" I answered
"Well at least you guys had fun!!!" Aj said
"Yea, good thing" I said I'm still curious if he has a girlfriend or not?!

He walked up to me with his cousins

"Hey its dash right?" Spitfire asked
"Uhh..yea!" Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Its spitfire!!!!!
"Ahhh you must be spitfire" rarity said
"The one and only" she said
"So soarin are you gonna ask her out" fleetfoot asked soarin about dash
"You mean lightning dust????" Spitfire thought and she didn't know it was rainbow dash that fleetfoot was talking about

Oh so soarin has a girlfriend already.........why does it have to be the solid-bitchy-hearted girl????! Well if he's taken I'm cool dammit! I feel like crying

"What?" Soarin said
"You know the girl you wrote letters with and you guys hang out every time...we thought you guys are official
And I even saw you two kissed" spitfire said
"Well she-" I got cut off because I saw dash ran away crying
"What's wrong with dash?" Sunset said
"Probably its because of some random gu-" pinkie got cut off because applejack cutt in
"Come on y'all let's go after dash" they ran after me

Soarin POV

"What's with dash?" Spitfire said
"Well duhh! Probably because of you!" Fleetfoot said pointing at spitfire
"Why me?" Spitfire said
"Well you did say all about my ex Friend!!! Lightning dust and I were never together!" I said
"Well....I feel bad now" spitfire said
"Come! Let's go after dash" fleetfoot said


"We couldn't find dash anywhere!" Rarity said

  Probably used her superspeed and ran away fast

"I wish I could've stop her" fluttershy said
"So what's this about you and lightning dust?" Twilight asked
"Well its......" I stammered
"Well if soarin doesn't wanna tell you you can't force him to!" Spitfire said
"Yes I can! Soarin...I demand you to tell me what's going on here!!!!" Twilight demanded
"Ok! Ok I'll tell you!!" I said. I agreed to cuz duhhh she's a princess
"Well?" Twilight said
I sighed "Me and lightning dust were good friends we wrote letters to each other..but I didn't know she had a crush on me! Well I didn't have a crush on her so in 6th grade without any notice she kissed me I pushed her and tell her I never liked liked her.
She was heartbroken but its true!" I explained
"Uh huh?" Rarity said
"Uh applejack where do you think dash went?" I asked
"Well uhh" she stammered
"I know you can't lie AJ" I reminded her
"Hey! Only my friends are allowed to call me that!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled
"Ok then...." I said
"I hope dash doesn't get too upset" fluttershy said
"Y..yea me too" I said
"So you have a crush on our dashie????" Pinkie lightened up the mood by asking me that kind of question
"Uhh wh...what?" I asked
"I said do you like dashie???" Pinkie repeated
"As a friend yes," I lied......I do like her

I didn't know pinkies senses are on she read my mind

"Ya sure about that???" She asked again to consider.....but that question made me feel like I like her more than just friends

"Y...yup?" I answered
"Okie dokie lokie!!!! Cause I thought you are trying to make a move on dash but if you really don't like her...well I guess the other guy will get her for sur-" pinkie got cut off by me cuz when I heard another guy Was after her too, my eyes widened and came to her close with a deadly look
"WHOS THAT GUY?!!!!!!!!!!" I asked
"Ooo someone's a bit jelly..." Fleetfoot said
"Uhhhh quibble???" Pinkie said
"Where is he?!" I asked
"Dude I don't want you to kill him!" Pinkie said
I calmed down for a sec. And told pinkie that "oh I'm not gonna kill him" I said
"Your not?" Pinkie said
"No, IM GONNA GIVE HIM A PIECE OF MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
" I hope quibble survives" she told herself

How was that?? Did you like it? I hope you did.....

true colors (a soarindash story) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now