Chapter I

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        Your eyes shot open, awaken by the constant ringing of your alarm. You raised your head slightly and reached for your phone to snooze the alarm. Just as you were about to fall back to sleep, you panicked remembering there was supposed to be an open chat room at this time. Hastily, you open your phone and immediately opened the Mystic Messenger application hoping the chatroom had not expired or you'll have to pay for 5 hourglasses again.

        You clicked the chatroom panel, went to Day 6 and thankfully, the chat room was still available. You are currently playing none other than Seven's route and you are playing his route again because you wanted to get all types of endings, this is currently your 3rd time. You happily opened the chatroom and played through it. You can't help but smile at your interactions with the red-haired hacker. After playing through the chat room, you looked at the clock and realized it's effing time for school. You sighed as you exit the application, you got up and threw your phone to the bed and went to get a towel to take a bath.


      With all your morning routines done, you picked up your bag and phone and went downstairs to get some breakfast. Thankfully, you aren't late yet so you had the chance to eat a proper meal at least or else the RFA would flip out if they knew you skipped meals well at least in the game. After eating breakfast, you bid goodbye to your mom and went outside, ready (or maybe not) to face a new start in school. Yes, summer break's damn over.

        You only commuted to school, after a few trains and bus stops, you finally reached the intersection that will lead to your school. This school year, you will be a senior student. There will be new classmates, new friends, teachers and subjects but you aren't really a fan of new things, to be more specific, change. You sighed loudly as you start to walk towards the gate of your school, bracing yourself for a tiring day.

       Ugh. I just want to go home, lie on my bed and play MysMess, I miss Saeyoung. You thought, your heart skipped a beat remembering all the conversations and phone calls with the hacker which made your heart feel fluffy all of a sudden. This is definitely the first time you had fallen head over heels with an otome game character, you had crushes on the characters before but not as hardcore as your addiction to Seven.

       Though you were so heartbroken because in the end he isn't even real and what you were imagining would never happen. Plus the fact that in real life, you'll never find someone like him or the fact that you had no love life at all, it doesn't bother you though.

       Your thoughts were interrupted as the school bell rang. You went to the bulletin board, searched for your name and assigned classroom then you fast-walked to where your class is. You entered and found the familiar faces of your friends, Nam Arah and Park Shion. Smiling, you walked up to them and greeted.

       "Hey Y/N, how's your summer?" Arah greeted with a cheerful voice.

       "Nothing really happened, I just played Mystic Messenger and it was so amazi---"

        "Yeah, yeah we know. You ranted all about it in our group chat so please stop Y/N." Shion interrupted.

       "But it's true!" You defended playfully and your friends just laughed.

       "I'm really glad that we're in the same class. I don't need to socialize with other people anymore because I have you guys." You added.

       This moment made you feel nostalgic, with how you met your two best friends. Nam Arah. Your friend since junior high school though you weren't classmates in your first year, both of you met and became close through a school activity. It was in your second year that you were finally in the same class up to your last year in junior high school which definitely made you guys inseparable.

       You have a lot of similarities with her, from your hobbies to your outlook in life. She understood you and vice versa. Though there is an aspect that clearly differentiates you from her, she is gentle, soft-spoken and kind towards other people. She is so feminine and you'd know that with just one look at her. Because of that, she had a lot of suitors and admirers. Despite this, you know that she has no interest on them at all. On the outside she looks so different, only you and Shion knows what she's really like.

       Park Shion. You only became acquainted with her in your second year, it was very random and you weren't even classmates. You were just sitting on the oval-shaped bench outside the school building waiting for something/someone, you can't recall. You can't remember the rest but the next moment she was sitting beside you and struck a conversation on politics. Of course you were knowledgeable on the topic so your conversation went on until it was time for you to bid goodbye.

      You thought she was nice but a bit too serious. As your third year arrived, both of you were in the same class along with Arah. She was the exact opposite of your first impression. She is hilarious, quite weird but weird enough like you, she's smart and you get along very well. Your hobbies are quite similar though she's into fangirling real people.

      Looking back, you really feel lucky to have met them. Sure you had a lot of acquaintances but these two were the only friends you really trust and open up to. Since as what they've both said before, You're a tough shell to crack Y/N! Just be yourself and tell us how you really feel! With that, shit just happened.


       The reminiscing moments you had with your friends stopped as the new homeroom teacher entered the room with a smiling and familiar face. "Good morning students! I'm Kim David, well most of you already know me since I also had classes with your batch last year. So no need to introduce yourselves!"

      The class sighed in relief, all of you were already tired of introducing yourselves again and again when you already know each other well, even sick of each other's faces.

       "But! There is someone who needs to be introduced to the bunch of you. Please come in now." Your teacher interrupted.

      Your eyes sparked in interest, there are rarely transferee students in this time of the year so you paid attention while the whole class responded in awe. The new kid entered the room.

     He had a messy, sort of curly red-ish, dark brown hair and light brown eyes that almost seemed gold and he is wearing black-framed glasses. He is hadsome all over, his features are so defined. Your eyes widened, he looked so familiar. So familiar that he almost looked like the red-haired hacker in Mystic Messenger. It's like he stepped out of the game into the real world. You haven't even recovered from the shock when the boy spoke,

      "Hello everyone, I'm Saeyoung Choi. Please take care of me!"

      His voice. His voice is exactly the same as the voice of Seven in the game. You can't believe what you are seeing, there's no way a fictional character can become real! There is no mistaking it, he is from the game. The name is even the same for goodness' sake. But the question is, how? That's not the only question that lingered in your mind, there are thousands, wanting to be answered immediately.

      The sounds from your surroundings were blocked, you couldn't hear a thing from shock though your eyes are still locked on the transferee student. It was until your eyes met, his eyes showed acknowledgement, it wasn't friendly but it was a proof that he actually remember and knows you. You were surprised and you looked away. There's no way he would know me! There are a millions of MCs around the world, how the hell would he remember me? You thought and told yourself it was probably just your imagination.

      While you were in shock, the teacher had already assigned a seat for the transferee. You shake your head and decided to brush it off. Though it did not work for the whole time he was the only one you're thinking and your eyes stayed at his back.


       The bell rings and all the students rise, bidding goodbye to the teacher and one by one gets out of the classroom to go to the canteen. Most of the students gathered around the new student, asking him questions. Most of them were girls since hello, Saeyoung Choi is definitely attractive and even more beautiful in person, in flesh since this isn't in the game anymore. You even fell harder, now that he's here, breathing the same air as you.

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