Chapter III

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        After that confrontation with Saeyoung, the day seemed to pass by in a blur. Most of the time you were just staring into space which made your friends worried. In that period of time, the red-haired boy did not even throw a single glance on you. He acted as if he didn't know you. With just his first day, he made a ton of friends. 

       You just watched from afar, his smiling and laughing face. He was carefree, devoid of all the worry and depression his face showed before. This hurt you so much, sure you were happy for him now that he is living the life he deserved. But at the same time, you were sad, you were supposed to be by his side in these moments.

       The first day of school ended, it was the most exhausting one so far in the years you've lived. Now you are walking with your friends towards the shoe lockers to change your indoor shoes.

      "Hey Saeyoung! Want to go with us? We're going to the arcade!" A voice shouted in the hallway.

      "Sorry! I have to go home today, I need to help unpack our stuff."

      Saeyoung was about to change his shoes when his eyes landed on the body frame of the person knew from his past life. You turned around then your eyes met, he suddenly looked away and immediately grabbed his outdoor school shoes and walked away. 

       You looked down, "What do I expect? I should stop this." You thought, your thoughts were interrupted as your friends called your name.


      The walk back home was full of chatter and laughter but the source was only your two friends. You remained quiet, your head was full of thoughts that it made your head ache.

      "Hey Y/N, are you okay?" Arah said.

      "Yeah, you seemed different after that transfer student dragged you out of the room. What was his name again? Saeyoung?" Shion added.

      "You guys, thanks for worrying. It's nothing, my head aches so I think I just need sleep." You answered.

      "Yes! Sleep is the answer! You should eat first though before you rest." Arah nodded.

      "I guess this is where we part. Goodbye Y/N! See you tomorrow!" Shion bid as Arah and her started walking the other way of the intersection, waving as their form disappeared. You started to walk towards the bus stop, bracing yourself to commute back home.


       You arrived in your house and immediately went upstairs. Plopping your body into the soft bed, burying your face in your pillow. You took out your phone and remembered Mystic Messenger, you probably missed a lot of chatroom since it's already evening.

       You wondered, "If Saeyoung is now here in the real world, what would happen to the game?" You even don't want to know, the only thing that makes you happy is now the reason why you are hurt.

       You decided not to open the chatrooms and leave it at that, but it is quite ironic, your fingers fumbled its way to the phone call panel and dialed the hacker's phone number. The phone rings, of course you were expecting the cheery voice of 707, for right now, it'll be the only thing that will make you happy. On the third ring, he picked up. Your heartbeat sped up, your ears focused on the sound that is about to come out.


       "Y/N, why are you calling me? Is everything alright? If not, ho ho! God Seven is here to help you!"

        Relieved, that is what you're feeling right now. "Thank God, he's still the same in the game. But how? Nevermind that, I'm so happy right now." Though you wondered, what happened to the feature of the game that only presents choices during a phone call? Is this a new feature? To speak directly to the phone? You didn't know and you don't care. As long as you can talk to Saeyoung right now.

      "Se—Seven?" Your voice cracked.


       "I---I missed you. I don't want to lose you." You said, almost sobbing.

       "Ehhh? Ah haha aigoo there you go again, are you teasing me right now y/n?"

       "No, of course not. I'm serious, Seven." You replied.

      "Sirius Black?! No way! He's back? Sirius Black is back!"

       "Anyway, if something bad happened today don't you worry! Just be patient and things may go back the way they used to." He added, the last part almost turning into a whisper.

       "What do you mean?"

       "Hahaha! Don't mind me! I'm just being sentimental again since the moon is out tonight! Oh sorry Y/N, I need to go! I can smell Mary Vanderwood approaching, I'll talk to you later! Pyororong~"

       "Hey wait---"

        And the phone call was cut, he hung up already. You sighed, at least now you feel a bit better, feeling relieved that the game was still the same and normal even though the things happening to you right now are definitely abnormal.

        Lazily, you got up and went to your bathroom to take a shower. After that, you changed to your pajamas and went downstairs to eat dinner. A lot of things happened today and indeed, food is what you need.


       After dinner, you went straight to your room and opened your phone. You opened Mystic Messenger and browsed through the chatrooms. The recent chatroom was about Jaehee, complaining that his boss left Elizabeth 3rd with her again and the feline spreading around c-hair which the chief assistant hated the most.

      "It's a usual day for the RFA huh. Good for them." You thought as you exit the game, setting your alarm for tomorrow.

       Tomorrow will be another day, another day with Saeyoung in your life. You don't know how to handle it of course. Even though this is what you've dreamed of all your life. Your favorite fictional character coming to life, it's quite opposite of what you expected.

       How did things come to this? You didn't know that your love for this certain character will bring pain, pain even worse than loving a real person. But hey, Saeyoung's real now, I guess that'll count as your first love?

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