Chapter IV

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      Your class started 30 minutes ago but here you are catching your breath, running in the hallways of your school building. Yes, you are definitely late. You kind of overslept and didn't hear the alarm go off from your phone. It was until your mother barged into your room and awoke you from your deep slumber. You just took a quick bath and wore your uniform real fast that you didn't even wear your necktie properly.

       After a few turns and stairways you finally reached the floor of your class. Sprinting at an inhuman speed, you reached for the door sliding it open with a bang earning the attention of Mr. Kim and the whole class. With your hands still at the sliding door, you took time to catch a few breaths. You then heard your teacher chuckle followed by the laughter of the class.

       "Calm down miss L/N, please don't break the door. Don't worry I'm letting this one slide since it's still the first week of class." Mr. Kim said slightly laughing.

       "I'm sorry I'm late!" You shouted bowing, earning a few laughs from the class.

       You then proceeded to your seat and settled down. What a way to start the day! You thought and fixed your necktie properly. Then you heard a whisper from behind, it was Arah. She mouthed, "You look like a mess." And followed it with a laugh. You just glared back at her playfully and you returned your attention to the blackboard.


      It was already lunch time, you and your friends connected your tables and gathered around. You took out your bento ready to gorge yourself with food and your friends did the same.

      "What's up with you today Y/N? You got to class late looking like a mess." Shion asked.

     "Uhhh I kinda overslept?" You answered, scratching your head.

     "Guys! I want to share something!" Arah said excitedly.

     "Hmmm?" Suddenly, you felt a bad feeling.

      "You know the transferee student? He's such a gentleman! We both got to school early and walked to our class together then he opened the sliding door for me! And told me ladies first!" She gushed. The fuck? Saeyoung you---

      "Eh really? Well isn't that normal?" Shion interrupted.

      "Hmph you wouldn't understand anyway, Shion. Don't you think it's romantic, Y/N?"

      "Uhmm a little? But I kinda agree with Shion." You answered. Of course you won't agree! This is Sayeoung we're talking about, your man! Well, in the game at least.

      "Eh whatever you guys. This is why you don't have a love life." She replied, pouting.

       What the hell? You were kinda pissed off at Arah for a moment but regained your composure. It's just normal, she didn't know that the Saeyoung you were talking about was the same with the Saeyoung in school. Of course she didn't know that he came to life since you never told them. You can't help but feel jealous, Arah is the girl "heartthrob" in your school. Many guys had a crush on her but she never entertained them. She was like the popular and humble type in your group. She had a few secret little crushes but they were just that, she has never pursued any guy. But this time, you felt a bad feeling. What would you do if your best friend develops real feelings towards Saeyoung? Oh boy.

       Meanwhile on the school canteen, a small circle of people gathered around Saeyoung to eat lunch with him. This is already a sign that he has become a popular guy in school which he never expected. After having his meal, he excused himself to go to the toilet.

      He walked in the hallways of the school and turned right where the boy's toilet is but suddenly, he heard someone running behind him. He turned around and spotted a girl catching her breath.

      "E--excuse me--e but can I—I talk to you for a while?" The girl spoke.

      "Yeah, sure. What's up?" Saeyoung answered.

      "Please accept this letter of confession! I will wait for your answer tomorrow, same time and place. Goodbye!"

      Before he could even respond, the girl sprinted away leaving behind a baffled Saeyoung. He looked at the pink floral envelope curiously. He will read the letter later at home and decide what or how to respond with the first confession he received.


     It was your next class that you saw Saeyoung arrive with his bunch of friends. He walked to his seat and passed by Arah's seat and he greeted "Hey". Which made your friend blush slightly then responded with a "Hello". You were so dumbstruck seeing everything happen in front of you. Is Saeyoung flirting with Arah?! No no no, it can't be. It was just a simple greeting idiot, your inner self thought.

     Mr. Kim arrived, before he started the class he said that he has an announcement to make which earned the attention of everyone, including the uninterested Saeyoung.

    "My dear students! I have great news! So our school has received a generous amount of money to be invested on advanced computer equipment." Mr. Kim said garnering no reaction from the students.

     "But! This donation will only be confirmed if the school will establish a special organization for students which will develop their skills and knowledge in technology and computers." Finally, this statement sparked the interest of the red-haired former hacker and you.

    "In other words, the school has established a new club. The Innovation Technology Club! This is a special type of club that will deal in advanced computer concepts so in order to be accepted as a member, you must be knowledgeable in handling computers! For more information just see the poster in our bulletin board."

    Saeyoung's eyes widened, this might be the perfect club for him. Considering he is even on a whole different level in terms of computer skills. He can do anything, hacking, programming, web designing, digital arts, etc. Saeyoung made up his mind, he's definitely joining this club and will be accepted. Though he must hide the fact that he was a professional hacker.

   On the other hand, Y/N was thinking of the same thing. Saeyoung will definitely join this club and will be accepted. He's a pro for goodness' sake, with this you just can't help but smile.


     The last period ended, some students went to their clubs already same with your friend Shion. You don't belong in any club since nothing interests you much and you'd rather go home early than stay late in school for club activities, it's too much of a hassle.

     You probably will walk to the bus stop alone since you don't see Arah anywhere and you're itching to go home since you're very tired. You went to the shoe lockers then changed your shoes, closing your locker. You stepped out of the school building, a warm breeze welcomed you and a scene in front of you unfolded.

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