Chapter II

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        You watched the girls in your class gather around the transferee student who's supposed to be Saeyoung Choi, well he is but you just can't believe what your eyes are seeing. Despite this, you can't help but feel a surge of jealousy clotting in your veins, you are annoyed by the constant moves of the girls towards the Honey Buddha Chips freak.

        It was until you heard the girls gasped and your eyes that were staring into nothingness is now facing an emotionless faced, spectacled boy, he then grabbed your wrist that was resting on the armchair and pulled you out of your chair, letting him drag you away from the curious and shocked crowd.


       He brought you in the school's garden. How the hell did he know where this place is? Well he is a hacker, he has his ways. You thought, feeling nostalgia but that is not important right now. You were more curious as hell to why he suddenly scooped you away from your comfortable seat, officially confirming that he knows you. But what you are screaming to ask;

     "How did you know me? No—why do you know me?" The words just came out of your mouth as you think.

     "Look, I know who you are. You are MC right? You played the game." He said, not showing the slightest feeling of happiness you'd expect when you were imagining back then if he became real.

      "Yes, I am MC. Well I'm just one of the MCs who played the game. But how? How did you become real?" You asked, your eyes almost tearing up. You can't understand what you're feeling. Sadness? Happiness? You didn't know, your hands unconsciously and slowly reached up to his face but never did. He flinched and took a step back, with that your heart just broke into a million pieces.

       "I—I don't know how I ended up here. I woke up one day living in a house. With a family. Saeran is not here either but I think that's what is best for him. I found out later that I am finally living a normal life. I felt guilty, am I really worth it to be given the chance to live another life?" He looked tired and exhausted but it was suddenly replaced by an expression full of hope.

        "But I felt how to be actually loved by my own parents. Be cherished by both a mother and a father. Every day, just simply waking up doing normal things a teenager would do, not minding the task needed to be done by the agency. The feeling of safety and not being alone. I'm just so tired of everything, so sick of myself and my life before."

        "I transferred in this school since we just have moved into a new place, as what my new parents told me. I am now living the life I wanted." He added.

         Not knowing what to say, you just stayed silent. You are happy, the Saeyoung Choi you knew in the game was broken, depressed and lonely. But impossible as it is, he is now here standing in front of you, real and alive, like a normal high school student.

        How about Saeran? Where is he? You want to ask him a lot of questions, you want to know everything about him now that he is living a different life but most of all you want hold him and you want him to hold you. Because that is now possible, you can now comfort him, touch him and feel him. You're not on the other side of the screen anymore.

       "--But that was until I saw you. You now destroyed everything."

       Your thoughts were blocked and your breathing hitched. Wha—what did he say? You must be hearing it wrong, your eyes blinked not processing what he had said.

      "No, you heard me right. Don't look so surprised, you look pathetic." He said, his eyes full of misery and anger though his face remained stoic. You felt guilty not because of what he said but because of what his eyes are telling you. He doesn't want to meet me, see me or even talk to me, you thought, afraid.

      "From the moment I saw you I knew you were her even though you look different then all those painful memories came back. What more is knowing you just played with my life, not only you but everyone! My life was just a game to all of you, a challenge you wanted to accomplish. All those things I was experiencing, did it entertain you? I'm sure my route was the most thrilling to you."

      His words were like daggers, every word was dripping with mockery and despise, his voice was loud and solid, very different from the usual cheery voice you'd hear from his phone calls in the game.

     "I definitely did not expect to meet you here and I intend not to but it seems that I have no choice. Every day, I will now be reminded of my life before every time I see you."

      Tears suddenly started falling from your eyes. He's just a fictional character, why am I feeling real pain? No. He isn't fictional anymore, he's alive and breathing in front of you. Words were stuck in your throat, none came out. Pain is what you are feeling, not the same kind of pain you were feeling before. This time, it's real. Just like how Saeyoung is standing in front of you.

    "I'm sure you must be expecting something else from me if we ever meet in real life, since in the game we were lovers. But I'm sorry to break your fantasies, I don't want anything that involves you or yourself." He said, you can feel the disgust from his very words.

    "In this life, I will never want a world with you."

     With that, he turned his back and walked away, leaving you there dumbfounded. You did not even manage to utter a single word after he left. You just stood there staring as his form disappeared from your sight. Still, the tears kept falling. You felt horrible, you are now the most horrible person in the whole universe, and well that's what Saeyoung made you feel just right now.

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