Chapter VIII

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"Please take care of my idiot son, [F/N]."

The sentence seemed to echo in your mind a lot of times and actually, right now. "Probably" see each other often? The word she used was an understatement, you are now commuting to school with the raven-haired boy, a.ka. his son named Hiro. Oh god, will this be my routine every morning? Commute with him? She wasn't kidding!

"Hey, you're gonna look old if you do that often you know." The boy said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Do what?!" You replied, obviously in a bad mood.

"Woah chill! What I meant was your face looked like you've eaten something sour." He said, slightly laughing.

"Whatever. Just don't-- Don't talk to me at school, got it?"

"Heh, do you have a famous or I'm a cool kid thing going on in your school?"

"Wha-- Of course not! Just... Never mind." You said, ending the conversation. Going back to school reminded you of what happened between you and Saeyoung. It hurt to think that you won't be talking to him or even spare a glance at him anymore, knowing that you'll just hurt him.

For you, it's time to move on and act like you never knew him and this meant also forgetting and uninstalling Mystic Messenger. For it greatly reminds you of him, heck it is the reason why you came to know him.

It was almost a silent ride the whole time and you were thankful for it. The boy just followed you around since of course, he's still new to the place. You're hoping he would familiarize quickly so you can go separate ways.


You arrived at school on time, but Hiro had to go directly to the principal's office to get his papers done. While you are currently mustering the courage to go inside the classroom.

How could I move on if I'm like this? Ugh, let's do this!

You opened the sliding door and went directly to your seat, not even blinking or looking around. Your friends then greeted you good morning and you greeted back normally.

"How's your weekend [F/N]?" Shion asked.

"Oh, quite alright. How about you?" Lies.

"I just went back to my hometown and did the usual stuff." She replied.

"How about you Arah?"

"I--It was amazing..." Arah replied, blissfully while blushing?

"Hey, what happened? You look embarrassed Arah! Come on, spill the beans." Shion teased and you were very curious. You have a bad feeling about this.

"Well... Saeyoung and I went to the mall and watched a movie yesterday."

"Woah! You're on that level already?! That was fast! Did he ask you out first?!" Shion said, excitedly.

"Shhh! Be quiet Shion! I'm already embarrassed enough." Arah cutely replied.

"He did message me on SNS and I said yes since I had nothing to do on that day." She added.

You were in a daze, did he just move on that fast? In any case, you have nothing to do with it anymore. Seeing your friend happy and embarrassed made you feel relieved, Arah is indeed a wonderful person and friend.

Saeyoung deserved someone better and that's not me.

"That's great Arah! I'm proud of you! I can't believe you're growing up now." You said while fake crying, earning a laugh from the girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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