Chapter VI

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Breathing in and out, you paused at the front door of the so called Innovation Technology Club. You were gazing at the poster plastered on the door which says, "Innovation Technology Club is now accepting club members! Get inside to know how to get in!" Wow this club seemed to be a big deal to the school, you thought. Well this is a big deal to none other than Saeyoung Choi. After all, he is starting a new life and his computer hacking skills can be quite handy even in real life.

Making up your mind, you opened the door and got inside. You are welcomed with a spacious room you've never even seen in school. In the sides are desktop computers with flat screen monitors and other technological equipment you've never known. You were awed by what you are seeing, now you understood why this club's a big deal because it is the real deal. Woah, the sponsors must've spent an amount of money on these equipment.

"Hello! Are you applying for the club membership?" A middle-aged man asked.

"Oh I am the teacher adviser for the club by the way. I'm Jung Minseok."

"Ah yes, Jung-seonsaengnim. I'm [L/N] [F/N] and I would like to be a member of this club!" You enthusiastically said, bowing.

"Hmmm... I like your enthusiasm but all applicants must take the test to become a full-fledged member."

"Well follow me, I will instruct you about the test." He added.

"Will I be taking the test now?" You asked.

"Fortunately, no. The test will be in two days, you will take the test along with the other applicants."

"Understood, seonsaengnim." You answered following him to his office.

"Here, this paper contains all of the instructions on the upcoming test. There are also pointers or clues on what will the exam be and please fill the attached form accordingly. Bring the form on the day of the test."

"Just read the instructions carefully and you'll be fine. Also don't forget to review your basic computer concepts, there might be a hands-on part on the test." He added.

"Understood, seonsaengnim! Thank you very much!" You said, bowing. With that, you took your leave and left the club room.

While making your way to your classroom, you decided to read the paper. The list of pointers included; history of computers, hardware and software... Heh this is indeed basic stuff, you thought.

-- programming languages, web developing, software developing... Eh?! That escalated quickly! I barely know any of these stuff! We had web developing last year but I don't even remember. Oh no.

Lastly on the list, computer security/ white hacking. Hacking?! Wait, I remember Saeyoung talking about ethical hackers called White Hats. He said that they are his enemies when he's trying to hack something. Ah how ironic, he'll be an ethical hacker, a complete opposite of his job before.

Slowly, after reading the paper, you felt as if your motivation and energy drained out from your body. You are in definite trouble, you need to learn these stuff in two days. You can of course just study basic concepts on your own but it takes a long time and hands-on experience to learn how to create softwares and hacking. There's one person you can think of that can possibly teach you, well if he agrees.

You immediately went home after gathering your things in your classroom. You thought about how to convince a certain red-haired boy to teach you the stuff you need to learn. Dropping on your bed, you felt very tired. A lot of things happened today, specifically in Math class but it's a good thing.

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