Chapter VII

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After dragging away the unprotesting boy to the cafe, you finally arrived and found a table near the window and pushed him onto the cushioned seat with a triumphant smile. Then you went across him to sit down, Saeyoung looked kinda shocked though since you just dragged him out of nowhere and he didn't even have the time to react.

"This shop sells honey butter-flavored cakes and frappe! Would you like to try? It's gonna be my treat!" You said happily.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Well I wanted you to try them! I've never tried them before though so this is kind of an experiment!" You replied with a closed-eye smile.

For a moment there, his heart stopped, melting away with your happy expression and smile. Though of course, he tried his best not to show it. He's still keeping that tsundere act to try to push you away. Minutes later, the waitress went to your table to get your order.

"We'd like to order 2 slices of honey butter cakes please! Hmmm... One honey butter frappe and drinking water too!" You said as the waitress listed the order.

"Okay ma'am, I'll prepare your order." The waitress replied as she left.


I wonder what they taste like... I hope Saeyoung will like them! You thought, your eyes wandering to the boy whose head was down. You couldn't see his face and expression so you started to worry.

"Saeyoung, are you okay?" You asked. There was nothing but silence and it made you rethink all over again if this was a good idea.

"Could you please stop this?" He said with a slightly mad tone.

"Eh?" Now, your face showed confusion, not knowing how to react.

"I told you already..."

"That I don't want to involve myself with you!"

"For fuck's sake can't you just leave me alone?!" He added, raising his voice. Is this the right thing to do? He asked himself but it was too late, the words already came out of his mouth.

Your eyes widened and your face showing hurt, taken aback. Surprisingly, there were no tears. Why? Did I expect this already? But why does it hurt more than before? You looked down and took a deep breath, composing yourself from his sudden outburst.

"Then what do you want me to do?! I am not MC in this world, Saeyoung! I'm [L/N] [F/N]!" You shouted, he did not respond. He looked surprised at your response. With this, you two garnered some of the customer's attention.

"I know I'm not your MC anymore... So this is the least I can do for what I've done to you! I know you're hurt and being in this world is hard for you..." You said softly.

"But I just want you to know that I want you to be happy! This time, in this world."

"If seeing me and involving yourself with me, pains you that much and keeps you from being happy then..." You couldn't bring yourself to complete the sentence but you have to.

"I'll stay away from now on. It's impossible to not see each other because we're in the same class but fine. From now on, I won't bother you anymore." You looked at him with seriousness.

Don't give up on me [F/N]...

"If I can't do anything to stop you from hating me... It's okay, as long as you're happy in this world." You added. I guess this is the end.

I don't hate you...

"Here, enjoy the honey butter cake and frappe. I truly wish you happiness, Saeyoung. Goodbye." You said smiling, leaving money on the table. It's hard to smile, damn it! Don't cry!

After your little speech, you ran outside immediately. You couldn't bear seeing his face and response anymore. Everything is a mess now and you feel horrible and tired.


He couldn't believe it. He just messed it up, he thought he was already okay but he wasn't. One moment his heart was beating loudly for you then the next second he's lost, it was making him crazy. So this is the real world huh. All the emotions he is feeling are mixed and he hates himself for it.

When you left, your order arrived shortly. You already paid for the food so he had no choice. He started eating the cake and he liked it. No, he loved it. Some things never change, just like his feelings for you.

What have I done?


Arriving in your house, you immediately went straight to bed. Not acknowledging your mother, shouting to make you eat dinner. You had no appetite, you're just plain tired from everything that's happening. It felt as if your world turned upside down from this happening.

Drifting off to sleep, you felt relieved. It's Saturday tomorrow, you wouldn't have to face the red-haired boy who just confessed he hates you, well at least that's what you thought.


The next morning you woke up very late and your mother wasn't happy about it. And well, you couldn't tell her what's happening. She probably won't believe it anyway and she doesn't even understand what an otome game is.

After taking a bath, you changed to your comfy clothes. You don't have any plans on going outside of your room but your rumbling stomach won't let you. So you tiptoed downstairs to grab some food from the fridge.

Approaching the kitchen, you could hear a few laughs and exchange of conversation from two people. It was your mother but you couldn't recognize the other voice so you silently peeked from the wall that separates the dining room and living room.

"Oh! There you are [F/N]!" The voice startled you making you back away.

"Don't start me with that young lady! Come here, I want you to greet our new neighbor. So don't be rude and get out of there now!" Your mother, shouted.

Eh? But I don't want to! I'm definitely not in the mood to meet new people. You groaned but as soon as you heard footsteps nearing you, you immediately went out and revealed yourself.

"Ah! Finally, come closer [F/N]." Your mother said giving you the if-you-don't-do-as-I-say-you'll-be-in-trouble look while smiling and it scared you.

"Uhhh h-hello! I'm [F/N] [L/N]! Welcome to the neighborhood!" You frantically said.

"Thank you dear! I'm Hana Okazaki, we moved in next door." The older woman replied. She had straight black hair down to her shoulders and beautiful almond shape eyes with very fair skin.

"You're funny aren't you? Well, I'm Hiro Okazaki. Nice too meet you pajama girl." Another voice said, you turned to look at the direction of the voice.

Your eyes met the face of a handsome young man, smirking. His features are the same with the older woman, only younger and boyish. Though his personality is somewhat-- Let's just say you had a bad first impression on him for calling you pajama girl. He's rude! These are like my favorite clothes!

"Oh my! Please excuse my rowdy son." Hana said elbowing his son.

"We actually moved here from Japan, his father changed jobs so we followed him here." She added. Well, their physical characteristics are screaming Japanese. You thought, laughing to yourself. But then your smile faded with what Hana said next.

"You'll probably see each other often from now on. Since my son will go to the same school as you, [F/N]. Your mother recommended your school so I will enroll Hiro there."

"Please take care of my idiot son, [F/N]."


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