Z burst out the door with bread in her arms.

"Get back here you dirty thief," the store owner yelled at her.

"Not a chance old man," she laughed.

Z ran out of the village and into the woods. She kept on running until she reached an old shed. She looked around to make sure the coast was clear then walked into the shed. Z shut the door and set the bread on a crate. She grabbed a jar of jam from the broken cabinet. After making a small sandwich, Z grabbed an old blanket and wrapped it around herself. The only window in the shed is broken, so it gets really cold, especially when the autumn wind kicks up and blows through the window, leaving Z wishing for a fire once again. She savored her sandwich as she ate it. The bread was delicious and still a little warm. She picked up her water jug and finished off what was left. I'm going to have to steal some more tomorrow, Z thought.

A twig snapped outside. Z grabbed her dagger and peeked out the window. A boy was walking toward the shed. What's a boy doing here? She pulls off the blanket and hides in the corner by the door. The boy opens the door slowly and steps in. In fast moment Z pins him against the door, holding the dagger against his throat.

"Who are you? Why are you here?!" Z asks with anger in her voice.

The boy looked terrified. "N-nick. my name is Nick," he stuttered.

"What's your last name?" Z said pushing the dagger so a drop of blood ran down his throat. It took a while for Nick answer but when he did he struggled to find air.

"I'm an orphan I don't know my last name."

Z gave Nick a disbelieved look and asked again. "Why are you here, Nick?"

"The palace guards found my hideout and i found this shed, hoping i could hide here" Nick told Z.

"I don't know if I believe that," Z said.

"Please," Nick begged, "Please help me."

Z pulled the dagger away and stepped back.

"You can stay the night, but in the morning we're going to find you somewhere else," she said.

"Thank you so much," Nick said with relief, "By the way, I didn't catch your name."

"Z," she said.

"Z?" Nick asks, "No last name?"

"I'm an orphan too," Z said. She grabbed her blanket and looked out the window. The sun was setting. Z wrapped herself in the old blanket once again. She turned to see Nick was still standing at the open door.

"Find somewhere to lie down, and close the door," Z said. She walked to her makeshift bed. It was made of old pillows and hay. Nick closed the door and laid down in front of it. Z laid down on her bed and fell asleep. 

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