Nick led Z through the halls. He stopped in front of a huge door. He opened it for Z.

"M'Lady," Nick said with a bow.

"Why thank you sir," Z curtsied.

They both laughed and walked in the dining hall. Z looked at the long table and saw King Harold was sitting at the head. The queen sat on his left side. Nick led Z to the chair by the queen. He pulled it out and she sat down. Nick sat on the right side of the King.

"Nicholas, we thought you were dead," The king said, "When your mother told me you were alive I was thrilled." King Harold didn't sound the least bit thrilled. The queen turned her attention to Z.

"Hello dear, what is your name?" the queen asked in a sweet voice.

"My name is Z," Z told her.

"Well Z, How long have you know my dear Nicholas?" Queen Daniella asked.

"About six months madam," Z said politely.

"He went missing six months ago," The queen said sadly, "He said he couldn't do it anymore. Tell me dear, did you know he was the prince?"

"I did not my queen," Z said.

"Please call me Daniella," Queen Daniella said with a smile.

Z was about to reply when the king coughed very rudely. Daniella and Z both looked at King Harold.

"I have big news, Nicholas," The king said with an evil smirk, "But first you must meet someone."

The door opened and a very pretty girl walked in. She was about Z's age. Her hair was a beatidul chestnut brown at the length of her shoulders and had dark brown eyes. She had a slender body and wore a blue sundress.

"This is Princess Victoria," King Harold said to Nick, "Your fiance."

"My what?!" Nick said in a loud voice.

Z ran from the room. She didn't know where she was going, but she knew it was anywhere else than the dining hall. She found herself in front of the weapons room. She walked in and picked up some daggers. There was a door on the other side of the room. Z went through it and found herself in a training room. She found a target and started throwing the daggers.

When Z ran from the dining hall Nick jumped up.

"Let her go honey," Queen Daniella said in a soothing voice, "She just needs to cool off."

Nick ignored her and grabbed a few rolls from the table and left the dining hall. He made his way up to his bedroom. When he opened the door he was disappointed to see Z wasn't there. He set the rolls on the table and went looking for Z.

Nick walked around the castle and checked every door. It was starting to get dark outside and he was about to give up. He was walking down a hallway when he heard noises from the training room. He opened the door and found Z throwing daggers at a target. Every dagger that she threw hit the bullseye. Nick leaned up against the doorway and watched. She is so beautiful, He thought, And she doesn't know it. Unlike Princess victoria, she knows she's beautiful and that makes her pretty snobby. I don't want to marry Victoria. Nick lost his balance and fell forward. He put his hands out and barely caught himself. Z jumped and looked at him. She started laughing.

"Don't make me laugh, I'm trying to be mad at you," She said with a smile.

"Why are you mad at me?" Nick asked, "If it's about Victoria, I had no idea."

Nick got up off the floor. He walked over to Z.

"I don't want to marry her," Nick said, "I don't love her. I want to marry someone I love and that loves me."

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