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"How about you teach me some of those moves with the daggers," Nick said with a smirk.

"Only if I get something in return," Z said.

"I've got a few things in mind," Nick said with a grin.

Z gasped. He is so inappropriate! Z punched his shoulder. Nick laughed and they went into the weapons room. Nick went over to the daggers and grabbed about 10, 5 in each hand. He handed 5 to Z and she took them with a curtsy. Nick smiled and bowed. They burst out laughing and walked to a target in the training room. Z threw a dagger and it hit the bullseye.

"Nice! How do you do it?" Nick said.

Z showed Nick how to hold the dagger, throw it, and aim. After 20 times Nick started hitting the target.

"At least you hit the target that time," Z snickered.

Nick looked at her. Z looked into his eyes. They were full of life. She smiled to herself.

"Now it's time for my part of the deal," Nick said with a smirk.

Oh no, Z thought, what is he going to do?!

Nick walked towards her. Z held her breath. He reached behind her and pulled a sword off the wall. He stepped back and held the sword out to her. Letting out her breath she took the sword. Why I'm I getting so nervous around him? I've known him for six months and this has never happened. What's wrong with me? Nick grabbed another sword and led Z towards the sword training area. He taught her how to hold the sword, keeping it firm when fighting with it, and how to fight with it. She was surprisingly good at it but not nearly as good as Nick.

"You're pretty good Z," Nick said.

"I was alway good at combat," Z said.

"Obviously," Nick said.

The door slowly creaked open. A very handsome young man walked in. He had black hair and green eyes.

"Hey," the boy said, "I'm Trystan. The king sent me to find Prince Nicholas and the thief."

"She has a name," Nick said angrily. He stepped in front of Z, as if to protect her.

"The king did not tell me her name," Trystan said, "But I would love to learn it." He winked at Z.

Z blushed and said, "My name is Z."

"Z. What a beautiful, unique name," Trystan said.

"Why did the king want us," Nick growled.

"It is time for dinner, your highness," Trystan said looking back at Nick.

"We will be there in a minute. You're excused, Trystan" Nick said bitterly.

Trystan nodded, winked at Z again and was out of the room.

"I don't know if I like that guy," Z said.

"Yeah, me neither," Nick said, "why would my father send him, when he could have sent a servant."

"I don't know, but let's get going before we get even more on your stepfather's bad side," Z said, "and I'm pretty sure Victoria told him about this morning."

"I'm sure she did, but it was worth it," Nick said. They both walked out of the training room laughing.

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