Twelve - So Much Better Off This Way

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Gerard was giddy with happiness. Out! He was out. And he had Frank, too, which meant he had all his secrets contained right here. And so far, even though it was almost certain that Lindsey and Hayley had told his superiors about Frank, Frank was still alive, and hadn't been killed. Yet.

He thought it was about time for some celebration!

Unfortunately, the limousine ride was long and boring, and Gerard was forced to sit on the leather seats, squirming and glaring out the window, just wanting to get out a burn off some of the energy pent up inside of him. He felt as though he could conquer the world, not that he didn't feel that way before, but he was free.

Gerard glanced over at Frank, who was chewing his lip ring anxiously and tapping his fingers against his knees. He looked out of place here, Gerard thought, especially with the too-big suit hanging off of his slender frame and his pale skin all but glowing in the dim interior of the car. His brows were drawn with worry, and his green eyes were big and...scared? Why the fuck was he scared? Gerard frowned and slithered off of his seat, coming to sit beside Frank, whose head jerked up and turned towards him.

"What d'you want?" Frank huffed, hair falling over his eyes. The long, brown strands looked greasy.

Gerard hummed and nosed at the skin of Frank's neck, inhaling and murmuring, "When we get to the hotel, the first thing you need is a shower."

Frank shoved him away weakly. "What the hell, Gerard? What makes you think I'm even staying with you?"

Gerard frowned again, straightening up and narrowing his eyes. "Of course you're staying with me. Why wouldn't you?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because I'm my own person and I can do what I want?"

Oh, Frankie. Naive little Frankie. "That's true," Gerard admitted, "but then again, now my superiors know you must know something, so they'll have their eye on you."

Frank gulped. "But I don't know anything." Gerard raised an eyebrow and produced the necklace from where he'd tucked it into the collar of the shirt. Frank's eyes widened and he shook his head. "I don't know what that is, I swear to God."

"But they don't know that." Gerard knew he'd already won, but was content to toy with Frank a little longer.

"W-what would they do to me?"

"Any number of things," Gerard said casually, examining his fingernails. They needed to be painted. "They might cut out your tongue to ensure you say nothing...or chop off your hands so you can't write anything, either. Honestly, though, they'd probably just slit your throat...make it impossible for you to spill any of our secrets."

"And...and if I stay with you?"

"Well, they might still order that you be properly disposed of. On the other hand...with me, you have a chance of survival, and I have the power to perhaps talk them out of killing you. How does that sound?"

Frank glared at Gerard. "That's hardly a choice at all."

Gerard bit his lip in mock thoughtfulness. "Well, let me make it easier for you - if you leave me, I'll hunt you down and kill you."

Frank paled. "You wouldn't."

Gerard smirked, running his nail down Frank's jugular vein, pressing down ever so slightly. Frank shivered. "You know I would."

"Great," Frank replied, shifting away. "Guess that settles it, then - I'll stay with the bloodthirsty murderer."

"Assassin," Gerard corrected, breathing hot air over Frank's ear, "and you know, there are perks to staying with me."

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