Twenty - You Belong To Me, I Believe

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Frank certainly took his time with healing, and so it was that Gerard was endlessly relieved when the bandages were off, the cuts almost entirely healed, and they held boarding passes in their hands for a three P.M. flight to Los Angeles, California.

However, Gerard had his conditions, as always. He'd been ridiculously frustrated during Frank's healing time, and he figured that it was partly his own fault for going so overboard, but at the same time, it was Frank who had almost stabbedhim. Frank hadn't tried it again, so obviously Gerard had done something right.

So he came up with an idea for the trip to bring Frank down a few notches. Hopefully. Frank was moody after being cooped up in the apartment on his sickbed for a week, and had at first protested vehemently to the idea, until Gerard had pointed out that he would reward him, since he knew Frank was just as needy as he was after the long...break.

So Frank had agreed, albeit not without some griping and cursing, but now, here they were in the security line, and Frank had the leather collar around his neck, shooting frequent glares at Gerard and occasionally tugging at it to try and loosen the band. Gerard could see a little girl behind them staring quite noticeably at it and turning to her mom to ask. Gerard smirked. He doubted she'd get an answer, or the right one, anyway.

The line was a long one, but they were finally up to the checkpoint with the conveyer belt and the x-ray machine. This time they had one carry-on bag and also one checked bag full of clothes and also some...particular items which Gerard had hidden from Frank. Surprises were more fun in his opinion. He was snapped out of his reverie when he heard the small but unmistakable scchnick of the collar being unbuckled. He turned sharply, and sure enough, Frank was taking the collar off and putting it in the tray with the carry-on bag.

Gerard grabbed his shoulder. "Just what do you think you're doing?"

Frank looked at him evenly. "I can't wear that through security, it'll make me look suspicious. Besides, it'd go off in the metal detector."

"I didn't say you could take it off."

"Well, guess what, Gerard? You don't control my every move. I'll do what I want, and in this case, what's the most reasonable." And then, head held high, he stepped into place to be next in the metal detector, Gerard narrowing his eyes after him. Frank did have a point, but that wasn't the problem here – the problem was that Frank was still being a little bitch, so Gerard was going to have to try harder here. Frank obviously wasn't a bottom by nature, but Gerard didn't care. He could change that. He knew he could.


As soon as they were both out of security, Gerard was still silent and said nothing. Frank paused before saying, "You're being creepily quiet." Despite his light tone, he was unnerved by it, Gerard could tell. As he should have been. Frank hadn't even put on the fucking collar again. Yeah, he needed to be taught a lesson.

"May I borrow this?" Gerard said softly, gesturing to the collar, held loosely in Frank's hand. He blinked and nodded bemusedly, handing it over. "Frank," Gerard said, still with that soft, oddly sweet tone, "would you please follow me?" Again, Frank nodded, though this time it was wary. Gerard had already sighted his location – one of those single person restrooms ('family' restrooms) not too far from where they stood. He took Frank's wrist, nails digging in warningly, and led him to it, feeling Frank try to jerk away from him when he realized what was going on, but of course not succeeding.

"Gerard," he said threateningly, but Gerard, of course, didn't listen to him. He just opened the door and shoved him in, slipping in behind him and locking the door tight. He held the collar, but this time, not loosely. He held it so that it was a taut line of leather, and pressed it against a struggling Frank's throat. "Gerard!" he tried again, flailing out and hitting his side, but Gerard did not react. He pulled the leather until it strained, across and then around, fastening it so that it was three notches tighter than before. Frank was gasping, eyes furious. "C-can't breathe," he choked out, chest heaving, but Gerard knew he could, otherwise he wouldn't be talking. He had experience, you see.

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