Chapter 7

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Katniss P.O.V.

Haymitch doesn't let us forget that we have to be cautious with everything we do. Snow is still watching us, and he always will be.

A few weeks pass, and Peeta and I fall into a routine of sorts. I always feel like someone's watching us when we go outside; probably because they are; so I don't leave the house much.

Peeta stays with me most of the time. He's stopped going by the bakery because of his mother, and he doesn't want to leave me alone because he knows that I worry too much about everything if I don't have something to keep me occupied. Since hunting is out of the question, Peeta tries to keep me busy. He tries to teach me to bake and paint, but I always give up and just watch him.

I only leave the house to go see Prim when I know Mom's not there.

I eventually let Peeta talk me into taking a walk. He keeps saying things like 'some fresh air will do you good' or 'everybody needs a change in scenery from time to time.' I finally give in and decide to walk with him.

It doesn't take me long to regret it.

Five minutes into our walk, I look over for some reason. I meet Gale's gaze, and we just stare at each other for a second.

We haven't had any time to talk to each other. I haven't gotten a chance to explain everything to him. But maybe it's for the best anyway.

Gale looks at mine and Peeta's intertwined fingers before giving me a sad look and turning away. I turn my attention back to Peeta, who seems oblivious as to what just took place.

Everything seems to be changing, but it's one morning in particular that changes everything.

I lie awake and just let Peeta hold me. I look over at the clock to see it's almost eleven, but all I want to do is go back to sleep. The nightmares were relentless last night, so neither of us slept good.

Peeta keeps softly talking to me, trying to find a way to get me up.

"We haven't heard from Haymitch in a while," Peeta says. "Think we'd better go check on him? Make sure he's not dead."

I give him a small smile, but I shake my head. "You go ahead," I tell him. "I'll be fine."

"Katniss," he sighs.

"Go on. You don't have to stay home just because I want to."

Peeta takes a deep breath. "Fine," he says. "I won't be gone long." I nod my head, and Peeta leans over to kiss me. He gets up out of bed, and I pull the covers up to my ears. I'm about to doze off when the front door shuts, startling me.

I know I won't be able to go back to sleep, so I get up to get dressed. I can't find anything comfortable to wear, so I end up wearing one of Peeta's shirts. I go downstairs to find something to eat, but I get halfway to the kitchen before I start feeling nauseous. I make it to the bathroom just in time.

The tears start freely flowing, because I know.

I don't need no stupid test from the Capitol to tell me. Sure, I could've just came down with a virus. Or it could just be something I ate yesterday.

But I somehow know that it's neither of these.

I hear the front door open again, and I quickly stand up. I wipe my tears away, and rinse my mouth out before walking out of the bathroom. Peeta gives me a concerned look.

"You've been crying," Peeta says as he walks over to me. He wipes my cheeks with his thumbs, and I swallow hard. "What's wrong, Katniss?"

I open my mouth to reply, but all that comes out is a sob. Peeta wraps me up in his arms, and I cling to him. I can hear his heart hammering in his chest, and I know I'm scaring him right now. But I can't bring myself to say it.

After a while, Peeta pulls me over to the couch, and we sit down side by side. I rest my head over on his shoulder as he wraps his arms tightly around me.

"I love you," Peeta says softly. I look up at him.

"I love you too," I choke out.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" he asks. "I just want to know what's bothering you, Katniss."

I don't say a word. We just sit here and hold each other for a long time. Eventually, I start feeling sick agan. I don't tell Peeta. I just let him know that I'll be right back before I hurry to the bathroom. I sit on the floor for what seems like hours before there's a soft knock on the door.

"Katniss, please," Peeta pleads. I slowly get up and open the door, walking right into Peeta's arms. I mumble into his chest, but he pulls me back and shakes his head. "I didn't understand you, Katniss."

I take a deep breath and look up into his eyes. That's when I'm reminded that I'm not alone.

"Can we sit back down?"

"Yeah. Come here," Peeta says as he leads me back over to the couch. Peeta grabs both of my hands, and I look up at him.

My heart is beating so fast, I can hear it in my ears. I feel like I'm shaking as Peeta continues to give me a concerned look.

"Nevermind," I say as I shake my head.


"I'll tell you later," I tell him.

"Why don't you tell me now?" he asks.

I swallow hard. "I'm not ready." I stand up off the couch and start upstairs with those three words echoing in my head.

I'm not ready.

I feel the bed move as Peeta lays down beside of me. He wraps an arm around me, and I turn to face him.

"Please talk to me, Katniss," Peeta says as he runs his hand up and down my arm. "I just want to help you." I don't say a word, so he leans forward and kisses me. I put my hand on his chest and push back a little.

"Okay," I say softly. "I… I might…" I shake my head a little. Not might. I know what's going on. I take a deep breath, and Peeta just stares at me.


I feel the tears come to my eyes. I have to tell him.

"Peeta, we're having a baby."

Peeta just stares at me for a moment, and I wonder for a moment if he didn't hear me. But when the news finally sets in, he fights the smile that tries to spread across his face.

"It's okay for you to be happy," I tell him truthfully. "I'm happy too. I promise I am. It's just that with the Games and… and…"

"Katniss," Peeta says gently. I look at him, and he finally lets himself smile a little. "Are you sure?"

"I think so." Peeta gives me a look, and I quickly continue. "I mean, when I got sick this morning, it's like I just knew that…"

"Wait a minute " Peeta says. "You've been sick?" I nod my head. "Why didn't you tell me?" I take a deep breath.

"I honestly don't know," I tell him. "I just couldn't bring myself to say it out loud."

His face suddenly takes on a concerned look. "Are you okay?"

I nod a little, giving him a nervous smile. "Just scared to death."

"It's okay," Peeta says. "I am too." I laugh a little, and he smiles at me. "So we're really having a baby?"

"Yeah," I laugh as tears fall down my face. Peeta smiles again.

"Don't worry," he says softly as he wipes my tears away with his thumbs. "I'm going to protect you two. Okay?"

"Okay," I reply softly. Peeta leans in and kisses me.

"I love you, Katniss."

"I love you, Peeta." He places his hand on my stomach, and we both fall alseep with smiles on our faces.
Yay! I got to update again! Hope you all enjoyed it.

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