Chapter 19

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My friend helped me write this chapter. I hope you guys like it😃

Katniss P.O.V.

Days. Hours. Minutes. Seconds.

Time keeps ticking away, getting closer and closer to when Peeta has to go back into the arena. He sits beside of me on the bed with his hands on my stomach, feeling the baby move beneath my skin.

"I love you," Peeta says softly as he kisses my temple. 

"I love you too, Peeta," I say as I look over at him. My mind is racing to find a way to get Peeta out of here within the next five minutes. But I know it's futile.

Peeta reaches up and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear before making an odd request. "Sing."


"Please," Peeta says as he swallows hard. "I want to hear you sing."

I take a deep breath and nod my head. 

Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
And when again they open, the sun will rise.

I stop and look over at Peeta, something quickly occuring to me.

"If we have a daughter, I want to name her…"

"Willow," we say in unison. A smile immediately spreads across Peeta's face, and I laugh a little. I know this little bubble of happiness won't last long, but it's something to hold on to.

"I'd better go," Peeta says, knowing the longer we stay together, the harder it will be to let go. He gets on his feet, and I stand with him.

Peeta walks over to me and cups my chin with his hand.

"You promised me last night that you'll be waiting for me," Peeta says as he searches my eyes for an answer. I swallows hard and nod my head. Peeta presses his lips to mine. He pulls back and hugs me tight. Peeta puts his mouth right by my ear. 

"Two days," Peeta whispers, his breath tickling my skin.

I pull back and give him a weird look. "What's that supposed to…"

"Shh," Peeta says softly as he presses a finger to his lips.

I think about his whispered words to the baby.

"You, me, and Mommy are going somewhere safe in a couple days."

"I'll see you soon," Peeta says before he kisses me again one last time. He walks off, and I watch until the door shuts between us. 

I don't realize that my knees are weak until I've hit the floor. I don't realize that I've started crying until my tears stain the carpet.

I don't realize that I've started screaming until my throat feels raw.

I've decided that I'm just going to lay here on the floor for the rest of the day, when the door comes flying open.

"Let's go," Haymitch says as he walks over to me and pulls me up off the ground.

"Go?" I ask him. "Go where?" My head is spinning and I just want to sleep.

"No time for questions," Haymitch says as he grabs my arm. He leads me quickly out of the building, stopping every now and then to make sure nobody is following us.

"Haymitch, where are you taking me?" Instead of answering me, he leads me over to a hovercraft and looks back at me. "I'm not getting on that thing until you tell me where we're going."

"And I can't do that until we get away from here," Haymitch tells me. My feet move without my permission. Before I know it, the door to the hovercraft is closing, leaving me and Haymitch just standing here, staring at each other.

"What is going on?" I ask Haymitch.

"This wasn't the plan," he starts out.

"What are you talking about?" I want answers, and I know it's not going to be easy getting them.

"Sit down," Haymitch tells me. I reluctantly sit in the nearest seat, and Haymitch sits down beside of me.

"Don't really know where to start," he says.

"From the beginning would be nice," I say snappily. "Just please tell me something, Haymitch. Anything. Peeta's been acting weird the past few days, and I just want answers."

Haymitch looks over at me. "Peeta didn't tell you anything, did he?"

"If he did, do you really think that I'd be asking you for answers?"

"Good point," Haymitch says. "I guess I'll start off by telling you that we're headed to District 13." I give him a look.

With each answer, a whole new set of questions is popping up.

"Look, the only thing that I know to tell you is that Peeta came to me and told me that he needed to figure out a way to get you away from Snow before the baby gets here. He didn't know that a similar plan was already in motion."

"What do you mean?"

"At first, we were going to try to take just you and Peeta and your families to 13, but that number has grown unexpectedly."

"What?" I ask. "And where is Peeta?"

Haymitch sighs and acts as if he was hoping I wouldn't ask that question. "We were planning on leaving in two days. I told Peeta that if he could hold out that long in the arena, I'd take care of everything else." So that's what Peeta was talking about when he said 'two days.'

"Still doesn't answer my question," I say. "Where is my husband?"

"I'm getting there," Haymitch says as he holds his hands up. "Snow must've caught on to our plan, because right after Peeta left to get ready for the arena, I was informed that District 12 was bombed."

My heart sinks, and a tight feeling settles in my chest and throat. Of course Snow wouldn't punish is directly. He'd rather kill off our families first. 

"What about…" 

"I don't know who made it out and who didn't," Haymitch tells me quickly.

"Let me guess," I say. "You probably don't even know where Peeta's at."

Haymitch just look at me, and that's when I really start feeling sick.

"You don't know where he's at, do you?" I ask.

Haymitch just shakes his head, causing my world to fall apart.

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