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The smell of grease hangs in the air, wafting down from the ventilation shafts of nearby restaurants. Tires roll across the wet, city streets as we explore the side streets of Malie City.

"So! What are we doing tonight?" I ask, putting my arms around Lillie and Hau as we walk. "It's been awhile since we all hung out together!"

"I know, right?!" Hau says as he tussles my hair, "Wait a minute...where's your hat?"

I reach for the top of my head, realizing I haven't had it on all day.

"Hmp. Must have left it at the motel back in Akala."

"Hau!" yells a person behind us.

I didn't recognize the voice, but it wouldn't surprise me if Hau had already made some friends here in Malie City. He has a way of attracting all sorts of people to his company.

Hau loosens his grip on my shoulder and turns around, waving to the group of people behind us. Lillie and I stop and join the group of trainers behind us.

"This is the guy I was telling you about earlier," says the good-looking trainer to his friends. "Hau, introduce us to your friends!"

"This is Lillie," he says as he wraps his arms around her playfully, "and that over there is Moon, Alola's future Champ," he says pointing and winking at me.

"Ha! Alola's future Champ, huh?" the trainer laughs, peering curiously into my eyes.

"Don't battle her, unless you wanna loose!" Hau laughs, "She doesn't look like much - no offence Moon! But she'll send your team straight to the Pokemon Center on a stretcher!"

"I like to train south of town, Moon, you should come see me one of these days. I'm always down for a Pokemon battle, but tonight, we party!!" the trainer shouts, lifting his cup in the air.

His friends cheer.

"You guys seem cool, why don't you follow us to Chucky's? There will be drinks, dancing and Pokemon battles!"

Hau looks into Lillie's eyes, then glances my way. "Well, what'cha say guys? Wanna go to Chucky's?"

Lillie cracks a smile and looks to me for approval.

"You had me at Pokemon battles!" I say, striking a Z pose.

"I like her already," the trainer says, fist bumping Hau. "My name is Joey, by the way..."


As we reach the edge of the city, I see a group of run down store fronts adorned with party lights and graffiti.

The loud thud of base makes my ears pop as we grow closer. There are tons of people out on the streets talking and stumbling around laughing.

We follow the group of trainers to one of the buildings and enter through the door. All the glass on the store front has been sloppily coated with black paint, shielding the flashing lights from the street.

Lillie shoots me a frightened look, but it softens as Hau guides her through the crowd. Joey leads us to the bar and pours the three of us a strange looking drink.

Hau picks up one of the drinks and peers into it, "Hey man, what's in this?"

"Yo, drink up. Pinap juice with a twist!"

Hau cautiously takes a sip. Lillie hesitates, but then dumps it down her throat and gags. I didn't want anyone to know that I have never drank before, so I took a big sip, trying to hide the shudder as it burns my nose hairs. After discarding my cup on the litter covered floor, we join the swaying sea of bodies, dancing under the strobing lights overhead.

When We Were Younger. |Gladion X Moon|Pokemon Romance Novel|Where stories live. Discover now