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I slouch down in my chair and yawn, still feeling rather sleepy from the Champion's dinner. Carefully sipping my coffee, I watch a group of preschoolers taking dance lessons.

A man pounds a rhythmic line on his drums as the teacher instructs the children. Something below me tugs at my clothing, I look down to see a chubby baby chewing on the end of my skirt.

I set my drink down and pull the baby to my lap, its large, brown eyes stare into mine. He reaches up and grabs a strand of my hair with his pudgy fingers, yanking it as hard as he can, squealing with laughter.

"Say! I think that's a good look for you," Professor Kukui says in his easy going, flirty, voice.

"She does have a way with children!" exclaims the teacher with a smile.

"Glad you're settling in, Malie City is a great place to live! I see you've made yourself at home here at the community center," Professor Kukui says, lazily scratching at his bare chest.

"Nice and close to the Pokemon League," I add, setting the child back on the floor.

Suddenly, the device clipped on my purse flashes green and vibrates wildly. I quickly take one last sip of my drink and gather my things. I knew I'd get challengers, I just didn't think it would happen this soon.

"Off to the Pokemon League?" asks Professor Kukui.

"Yup, that was quick. Well, at least I know it's not you this time!" I say, playfully punching the Professor in the arm.

"Maybe it's the Masked Royal!" the professor says in a very serious tone of voice, crossing his arms.

I can't believe he still thinks we don't know about that.

"Or, maybe it's Mewtwo," I say sarcastically as I head to the door.

The drummer lets out a deep laugh and waves good-bye.

My Charizard is already outside, waiting for me. I mount it and dig my heels in, sending it straight up into the sky. A flock of Wingulls chase after us for a while, but soon, they disappear behind me.

I take a detour along the coast, it's much more scenic than taking the short cut over Haina Desert. I fly over the jagged cliffs of Blush mountain; a group of friends are riding Mudsdale through the passes below me.

I make my Charizard dip down as we pass over Secluded Shore. My heart fills with fond memories. I miss the days spent with Lillie and Hau on our journey, it's been tough not having them around anymore. Living in Malie City is great, but it's far away from the people that I care about the most.

I even miss Gladion, a little more than I should. I don't know why, but I've always had a soft spot in my heart for him. He has left me heartbroken, that I'm sure of, but he also gave me memories that will last a lifetime.

Somedays, I still pity him. It can't be easy, spending his prime years running a company he never wanted in the first place, not to mention his family life. Still, the obstacles he's had to face, they don't excuse his actions. Somedays, I want to go to visit him as well, but he made it very clear to me by his absence that there is no place for me in his life anymore.

I wish things had turned out different between us, but time has a way of changing people. I can still visit him in my memories. Every time I see him in the newspaper I clip it out, since I have no real pictures of him. I wonder if he watched my interview?

I take a sharp turn and fly up Mount Lanakila, only the Pokemon League members are allowed in the airspace over the mountain. My pager beeps once more, signaling to me that the challenger is on the last Elite Four member. I dig into my Charizard and it speeds up, the Pokemon League is now in sight.

When We Were Younger. |Gladion X Moon|Pokemon Romance Novel|Where stories live. Discover now