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May 12, 2017

In this dream It started when my brother called me and told me that he was lost and I was confused because he was supposed to be on the bus coming home from school along with my sister. But, my sister isn't even in middle school yet, so that's another confusing part but anyways, Since I knew he was lost, I also knew my sister was going to come home by herself. I went outside to see if she was on her way but I wasn't able to see her anywhere.

There was no sign of her.

I walked down the neighborhood calling for her.

I stopped at a neighbors house, it was my ex friends house, her dad called me inside.

Something was really off about him though.

It's really hard to describe what I was actually understanding myself. Somehow I knew that he had her and in realization, he knew that I knew.

He gave me a creepy grin and chuckled coldly, I attacked him trying to spoon his eyes out and I achieved that.

I left the house and as soon as I stepped outside, it was dark with street lights illuminating the road.

I ended up in my house, I decided to go outside and look for my brother. When I went outside, I came to see that my car doors were wide open and the lights inside were on.

I walked towards my car and as I'm getting into the car, I get an extremely bad feeling, making me sprint back into my house and slam the door shut.

I opened the door back up and peeked outside.

There was a shadow figure standing by the car.

All it said is that he was going to attack and it disappeared. The whole dream doesn't make sense.

A/N: Btw, y'all might find it strange that I really only get these type of dark dreams when I'm trying to bring myself closer to the Lord, and when I stray away, they have no reason to attack anymore. It's true.

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