2020 20/20 prophecies

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This is not a dream or vision. This is me saying once again that our Lord is coming soon, he's so close and I can feel him near. I don't know how to describe the feeling but I know what I'm feeling. Everybody should prepare themselves the things that are going to be happening this year. I know many of you have already hear about the rumors of WW3. We will start seeing even more christian persecutions, sexual immorality, shooting massacres. And i can bet on that. Y'all have no idea how many people i've told and im not being taken serious. But the day our Lord comes will be the day EVERY knee bows down to him. Look at all the things happening today, we see drag queens go to elementary schools confusing the children of things they should not learn at that age, we see parents and the children killing each other. Everything is going to be going downhill. We believers and Christians will be hated and persecuted. done be afraid because at the end Jesus will be there. Repent yours sins before its to late.

Repent and forgive those who have done you wrong.

He's almost here. look to the sky for signs, look at your surroundings. You will see it is not right.

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