The Floating Cross

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April 23, 2018   || 4:33

Ok so recently I have been starting to pray again, I don't know what is going on but I'm tired of these nightmares and my fan turning on by itself. This is the second time that I woke up, I already woke up at around 3am and now I'm honestly tired lol.

The dreams starts out as my neighbor parked beside me (a guy around my age that I usually drive to school) and then when we're in truck all of a sudden. I told them that I forgot something from inside my house. When I show up inside, I walk straight to my room and my little sister comes along. When we go inside, something comes out from behind my curtains, which is a cross that my mom recently bought from a yard sale. The cross and a packet of paper slowly start to move towards me, they were being shaken to me in a taunting sort of way, but as soon as I pray, the cross starts to shake and move everywhere, then I grab the cross on my own and face it towards whatever spirit is there, the packet of paper starts shaking everywhere. I pray and Pray and finally I'm awake but really tired. The feeling of the dream was definitely negative, I felt it.

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