Chapter 4

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The wedding has begun. After Beast Boy made it up to the altar and on the left side of Robin, everyone in the aisle rose and look behind them and they all see Timmy walking down the aisle holding the rings in a pillow very carefully so he doesn't drop them. Lucky for him, Kole is by his side to help him keep the balanced in his hand and makes his way to the altar. Next, coming down is Melvin wearing a simple flower girl dress as she scatters flower pedals so to make it look like everyone is anxious to see the bride walking down. After Melvin has done her job, the bridesmaids walking down. First was Starfire then behind her was Bumblebee and then Jynx was last to follow and they stand to the right side of the altar, then the grand entrance of the bride is here.

 First was Starfire then behind her was Bumblebee and then Jynx was last to follow and they stand to the right side of the altar, then the grand entrance of the bride is here

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(Raven's P.O.V.)

"You ready, Raven?" my mother asked me. I nod and look at her, "Thank you for being here." She smiled and simply said, "Anything for my daughter." We hear the bridal entrance for and we both start walking in sync. I feel my dress flowing down on the carpet and I kept on walking. Everyone is smiling at me and are showing their happiness on my wedding day. But all I care about is seeing Beast Boy's face, and it was truly worth it wearing this dress. He looks at me like I'm an angel walking from Heaven coming towards him to make his dreams come true. After what seemed like an eternity, I made it to the altar and Robin spoke, "Who give this woman to wed this man?" My mother responded, "I, Aurelia Roth, do." She puts my hand into his and takes a seat at the bride's section in the front. We both look at Robin and as he begins the ceremony.

"Fellow Titans, friends and family, we are here on this most glorious day to witness the marriage of our fellow Teen Titans members, Garfield Logan and Rachel Roth. The wedded couple both agreed to use their real name for this occasion. I just like to say as to all of us that this is truly a event none of us will ever want to forget not only because they are the first two Titans to have a wedding while being members, but that they have both worked hard to be where they are now. Now, I think it's time that the bride and groom both exchange their vows to one another. Raven, you may start first." Robin preached and as I turn to look at Beast Boy with so much love in my heart.

" Robin preached and as I turn to look at Beast Boy with so much love in my heart

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(No P.O.V.)

"Beast Boy, you are my friend and I truly never been more happier but ever since I had strong feelings for you. You became more than my friend and I truly never been more happier you accept me for who I am and you didn't see a demon you saw a real person who's been hiding a afraid but you helped me come out and helped me from being afraid and I truly thought there was no one who could ever love someone like me but you did and I truly knew that I was in love with you more than anything else you are my friend and my protector and my lover and I love you so much I always have and I'll always will until the end of time" Raven said her vow as if she meant it in the beginning of their love. All the women started tearing up and some of them lay their heads on their dates shoulders showing that even a more darker woman can be a romantic.

"Raven, after what you told me about the Beast that lived inside of me, and when I came to you after your heartbreak, I felt something more between us. Nothing meant to me more than you. Even though, I was trying to be your friend in the beginning of the Teen Titans, I actually wanted to be more than friends. You are my world, Raven. And I don't want it anymore than I have felt with anyone else. I love you and I will stay in love with you until the end of the Teen Titans." Beast stated his vow to her and she started tearing up hoping not to ruin her makeup Starfire and Bumblebee done for her.

"Now, may we have the rings?" Robin asked the ring barer. And Timmy brought it to him and he stated, "As each of you place of these rings on each other's hand, please repeat the following statement as I instruct. Beast Boy, you first. I, Garfield Logan, take thee, Rachel Roth, to be my lawfully wedded. In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, to love and cherish for as long as I live until death do us part. This I solemnly swear." Beast Boy repeats the vow and slides the rings on Raven's left finger. "Now, Raven. Repeat after me. I, Rachel Roth, take thee, Garfield Logan, to be my lawfully wedded husband. In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, to love and cherish for as long as I live until death do us part. This I solemnly swear." Raven repeats and slides a golden ring around his left finger and grasps it. 

"With both their vow have spoken and by the power vested in me through the honors of the Teen Titans, I now pronounce you two to be husband and wife. Beast Boy, you may now kiss your bride." Robin stated and Beast Boy dips his wife and he kisses her as they were announced husband and wife. "My fellow Titans, it is my greatest honor to present to you, Mr. & Mrs. Logan." The whole group stood up and applauded and the newlyweds and they walk down the aisle arm in arm.

Out in the distance, Terra was just witnessing from afar and waited for the right moment to make her move on the happy occasion

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Out in the distance, Terra was just witnessing from afar and waited for the right moment to make her move on the happy occasion. "This may be your wedding night and you may be happily married, but it is far from the beginning of your marriage for soon it will be the end of times. Beast Boy, you will be mine and Raven, you will DIE!" Terra declared from the distance of the wedding and rocks around her rumble and crushes to dust and the mark of Scath appeared on her forehead lifting her to the area and flew to where the reception will take place.

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