Chapter 16

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(Beast Boy's P

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(Beast Boy's P.O.V.)

All I can remember is falling and falling and then nothing. Like my whole went black. I then start to feel light headed and my eyes open slowly. "Ugh. What happened?" I said to myself and I reach my belt for my communicator. Only problem is, I don't feel it. "What the...? My communicator is gone!" I exclaimed and I start to panic. "Your communicator isn't gone." Terra's voice said in the distance. "I have it and there's no way you're getting this back. It'll stay in my possession for now." I started to get peeved at her. She truly is a different Terra than the one we became friends with and the one we faced when she was Slade's apprentice. "Terra, why? Why are you keeping me here and not have me dead?" I asked her even though I already know what her answer is. "Oh, Beast Boy. You know why. I'm trying to get that filthy witch's spell that she placed upon you off of you so your heart can be mine again and we can live happy without the Titans or her." She answered to me. She truly believes that Raven placed some sort of love spell on me? She truly is blind by what we shared before her betrayal. "You don't get it, do you, Terra? It isn't Raven's Magic that did it. It's love that made me be part of her life. And it always will be. So go ahead. Torture me all you like. You may truly believe that we belong together. But my heart will always belong to Raven. She is my wife and I am her husband. I belong to Raven and it will stay that way until we both are parted by death." I spoke with courage in my voice and determination in my heart. Terra doesn't look too pleased about it, but I don't care. All I care is getting out of here and being home with Raven.

 All I care is getting out of here and being home with Raven

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"You want torture? I'll give your torture." She snares at me. It seemed like my speech about my love for Raven is real and I don't have feelings for her anymore. But I can see anger and rage inside her. "Give me your best shot, Terra. You won't break me. Not as long as Raven is in my heart, I will remain strong." I told her. "Not when I'm done with you. Then you'll change your mind." She warns me. I take my stand and take in what she'll throw at me. "And soon you'll be begging me to stop torturing you and you will be mine." Terra said as a bunch of sharp rocks. 'This is for us, Raven.' I said in my head and let the torture begin. I can feel some of them piercing through my skin and feel sharp pain. But i didn't back down easily. She can tell that it isn't working and I haven't given in to the pain. "I don't get it. Why haven't you given in after all the shards pierced through your skin?" She asked. "It's because my love for Raven has kept me strong and no pain can ever stop that." I answered with confidence in my voice. She hits me hard leaving me with a black eye and pul out a mystical sword. "Do you know what this is?" Terra asked me. I just shook my head. "This is the Sword of Azarath. An all powerful sword that can eliminate any demon from Azarath. Which will include your witch of a wife, Raven." Terra answered. "You're lying." I told her. "There is no such weapon that can kill her and eliminate her from me." I can see that there is anger in her eyes and punched me again making it bruised on my face. "Face it, Beast Boy. If Raven does come to rescue you, I'll be ready for her with this. And she will burn in Hell for all eternity just like she told me to do." Terra sneers at me and placed the sword back in the cover. "I don't doubt it. She won't be the one dead, Terra. It's you who will." I sneered back at her. She looks at me with a menacing look and retreats to the shadows. "Raven will save me. I know it." I said to myself while looking at the distance. I closed my eyes again and rest for the next torture from her.

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