Chapter 13

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(Hours earlier)

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(Hours earlier)

At Titans Tower, Beast Boy takes Raven to the medical bay and stays by her suds until the others returns from Arkham. The Beast looks at her motionless body and thought that he could've been more quicker to stop Scarecrow from injecting the fear toxin. 'Raven, I'm so sorry for not protecting you much quicker.' Beast Boy speaks in his head. 'I swear that from now on, I will never leave your side.' He gently touches her hand and by instinct, she grabs his Beast hand. This has shocked Beast Boy for he thought that she couldn't feel nor hear him. But it brought joy to his heart that she's not unconscious. 'Please come back to me, Raven.' He begged her in his mind and he starts phasing out of his Beast form. "I love you, Raven. Always have and always will." He spoke to her. He gently kisses her on her head and he sat down next to her. Little did he know that Raven is having not a dream but a vision in her mind.

(In Raven's mind)

Raven was just wondering in her mind waiting for the fear toxin to wear off and she can come back to reality with her friends and her husband. "Just what I needed. To be trapped in my own mind as we were transferring Terra to her cell in Arkham." She said talking to herself. "And don't ever think that this is your fault, Beast Boy. It's never your fault. Don't blame yourself. You did stop Scarecrow before he can do some serious damage to me." She kept wandering and wandering around her mind until she heart a weird noise in the distance. "What the...?" she said to herself. She starts following the noise until it gotten more clearer and more closer. "Hello?" she calls out hoping for a response. "Is anyone here?" No response. Just the same noise. But she depicts the noise of a child's laughter. When she gotten closer, she was surprised to see that the child looks like her.

 When she gotten closer, she was surprised to see that the child looks like her

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"Hello." the little girl spoke to Raven. "Hi." Raven answered. "What are you doing here in my mind?" she asked her in a polite manner. "I'm here because I'm part of you." she answered back. This puzzled Raven cause she never thought of children before. Not even before she started dating Beast Boy and when he became her husband. "Who...where are your parents?" Raven asked. The little girl just giggled. "I'm looking at her." she answered to Raven. "Me?" The little girl nod. "I...I can't be your mother." She said to the child. "But you are. I'm not conceived yet." She tells the Titan. Raven then thought to herself, 'Conceived? Who could've...No. She's also Beast Boy's daughter?' "Are you also related to another Titan?" Raven asked the child again. "Yes. I am. To a Titan you may well know as your husband." That truly blew Raven away as the child conjure up an image of her parents are their happiness.

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