Chapter 20

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(Back at Arkham)

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(Back at Arkham)

(No P.O.V.)

"ROBIN, THERE'S TOO MANY OF THEM!" Cyborg shouted as all the Titans formed together to keep the citizens of Arkham City safe from the criminals. "I KNOW, CYBORG! BUT WE MUST KEEP FIGHTING!" Robin ordered. He kept using his martial arts skills to fight off goons who kept charging at the Boy Wonder. He then notices that Harley has a bat and plan to hit Starfire in the back. "STAR! BEHIND YOU!" he shouted as his beloved and she turned around and shot her eye beams at Quinn. "UGH!" Harley grunted as she hits the ground. "Thanks, Robin." Starfire thanked her beloved and they formed together to fight off the crowded criminals. "Stand back, boys. Bird Brain is all mine." The Joker stated as he comes towards Robin and Starfire. "Without Batman to help you, you're useless to be an enemy to me." The Joker snickered. "I may not have my old partner, but I still have my team who will fight until the end." Robin reminded the Clown Prince of Darkness. "Oh, I'm really going to enjoy the pain I will cause upon you." The Joker said. And as he was about to strike a blow on him, something hits the Joker in the back and he falls on the ground on his front side. "No one hurts Robin while I'm around." A voice said in the darkness.

" A voice said in the darkness

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"Thanks, Batman." Robin thanked his partner. "Even though what you said is true, you'll still be my first partner to me." Batman said to his former partner. "Uh, Batman. I don't mean to interrupt but we still need to contain the situation that we're in." Cyborg reminded the Dark Knight. "That's why I brought back up." He said to Cyborg. And then all the members of the Justice League appeared and are ready to help the Titans. This brought hope and determination to Robin as they resume to action. "Robin, time for the Sonic Boom." Cyborg suggested to his leader. "If you got the Sonic, I got the Boom." Robin reply to his suggestion on their next move. As it was, they run up to separate walls and Robin threw one of his weapons towards a group of villains while Cyborg launch a sonic attack at it causing it to explode and hurdle the sonic boom attack to knock the villains out cold. "Nice job, boys." Ivy said as she join in the party. "Thanks, Ivy. LOOK OUT!" Robin warned her as Harley comes up behind her with her baseball bat, but Ivy stopped her before she even had the chance to hit Ivy. "Nice try, Quinn." Harley tries to struggle out of the vines grasps but to no prevail. "Just wait till that Trigon guy comes to Earth and all of you will be gone." Harley warned the heroes. That got to Robin that if he does come back, he won't have time to do the one goal he hoped to achieved in his life. He then grabbed Starfire and asked, "Starfire, will you marry me?"

 He then grabbed Starfire and asked, "Starfire, will you marry me?"

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"Robin, now is not a good time to ask such a question." Starfire reply. "But now may be our only time. I love you, Starfire. And I rather die as your husband." Robin said to his beloved which made her smile and look at Cyborg, "Cyborg! Marry us!" Cyborg is fighting off Gizmo and shouted at them, "YO! I'M A LITTLE BUSY AT THE MOMENT!" "CYBORG, NOW!" Robin ordered his teammate. "OH, ALRIGHT!" Cyborg caved and kick Gizmo into the sky breaking his mechanical spider legs and stood up and shouted out to the two lovebirds, "DEARLY BELOVED, WE BE GATHERED HERE TODAY TO WITNESS THE MARRIAGE OF STARFIRE OF TAMARAN AND DICK GRAYSON, AKA ROBIN!" Then as the ceremony progressed, they notice a group of thugs and criminals waving in towards them and fight off. "Starfire, do you take me as your husband in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer til death do us part?" Robin asked her. "I do!" Starfire answered gleefully. "And do you, Robin, take me as your wife in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for greater or worse til death do us part?" She asked him. "I do." Robin said with determination in his voice. "THEN BY THE POWER VESTED IN ME IN THE CITY OF JUMP CITY, I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU HUSBAND AND WIFE!" Cyborg shouted as he fights off Mammoth. "JUST KISS HER, ROBIN!" Cyborg said and resumed his fight while the new married couple kissed as husband and wife for the first time.

 "JUST KISS HER, ROBIN!" Cyborg said and resumed his fight while the new married couple kissed as husband and wife for the first time

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"When and if we finished here, I promise you to give you a real wedding, Star." Robin said to his wife. "Good cause I want the whole Titans to be there to witness our wedding. Include Raven and Beast Boy." Starfire said to her husband. "I don't mean to interrupt your happy moment but we still got a fight to handle here." Batman reminded the two and they resumed action. Even though it may seemed impossible to finished the wave of criminals in Arkham City, not one Titan stood down and not one surrendered. They kept on fighting until all enemies are done and sent back to where they belong.

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