Chapter 7

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(No P.O.V.)

The battle begins with Terra making the first move by throwing a huge boulder at Slade. He dodges is and sky kicks her making her fall to the ground. "Ugh." She cried out as she hits the ground on her back. "This is impossible. I thought I killed you for good back at the base!" Terra exclaimed at her old leader. He slowly walks towards her "Dear child, it is true. You did kill me before, but thanks to Trigon and letting me resurrected and finally gaining my soul back, I'm flesh and blood again. And there's nothing you can do to stop me." Slade taunted her. He gives her another blow and she looks like she's about to pass out. "This is my final warning, Terra. Don't do exactly what Trigon orders you to do. He is nothing but lies." She didn't listen, but let her new powers kick in. "Why don't you go back to Hell where you belong, you bastard?" Terra swore on him and she lets out a red beam of energy at Slade and he flies back to the other side of the battlefield. "AAGH!" He groaned and he falls to the ground. "I don't give a damn to what you tell me anymore, Slade. Trigon is my real master. Raven will die for her father and Beast Boy will be mine!" She declared at him and she vanishes into thin air with not trace of her. "Well, that's what you think. She's more powerful than before. I hate to admit it but I may need some help from some old friends." He said to himself and pulls out his communicator and call in the Titans Tower.

" He said to himself and pulls out his communicator and call in the Titans Tower

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(An hour earlier)

Robin was at the scanners trying to find a location on Terra after she crashed the reception and to bring her to justice. Starfire was doing her best to help her love one and also try to locate her. Robin was getting irritated with no results showing no signs of Terra's powers being of use and marking her location. "Robin, please be patient. Terra will be caught and brought to justice." Starfire asks him kindly hoping to ease his attitude. "I'm sorry, Star. I'm just more concerned about the safety for Raven and wondering how can her powers couldn't work if she had full control of them." He said to the alien princess. She places her hand on his shoulder and he doesn't even have the heart to feel irritated after Starfire lays her hand on his shoulder. "Thank you, Starfire. You always know how to cheer me up." Robin thanked her. In her heart, she is dedicated to Robin ever since their time in Tokyo. Then what seemed like a happy moment between the two lovers, the monitor receives an incoming call from an unknown call. "Titans, report to the main room!" Robin orders through speaker and Cyborg, Beast Boy & Raven rushed in. "Robin, who is it?" Beast Boy asked their leader and Robin simply reply as he accepts the call, "An old enemy."

(Robin's P

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(Robin's P.O.V.)

"Hello, Titans. It's good to see you five again." Slade spoke as I answered the call. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, we have to deal with Slade as well. "What do you want, Slade? Now's not a good time to pick up a fight." I asked him in a fierce tone. "Now, Robin. I'm not here to start a fight between us. I'm here for you help to take down Terra." We were all in shocked that our greatest enemy wants our help to stop our old friend. "Why should we trust you?" Beast Boy asked him. "All the time we faced you, you had Robin become your apprentice along with Terra and you were chasing Raven to do Trigon's deeds. Why should we help you?" I never seen Beast Boy act this way before. I guess his marriage and his love for Raven made me more protective of her and also that he wants to end this war. "Reason I am asking is, I also hope that Trigon doesn't return and we can free Terra from his control before it's too late. But it seemed that Trigon doesn't have power over her. She vow to end Raven and have you as her husband." Slade reply back to Beast Boy. I think about it for a minute and thought that Beast Boy would do anything to protect his wife.

"We'll help you." Raven told him. We all looked at her and even Slade looked surprised that she said that we will help him. "Excellent. I put a tracking device on the suit she wore while she was still my apprentice. It won't come off now ever since her stone petrification. It was activated after she came back alive. I'll send you her location if she is on the move." Slade instructed us and the communication went dead. "So that's it? We're making a truce with Slade?" Cyborg asked all of us. "Cy, this is the only way we can stop Terra before it gets even more worse." Beast Boy told his friend. While he was talking to Cyborg, I see Raven leave the room. I keep wondering what's on her mind now. "I'll talk to her." Starfire told me. I nodded at her and she went to find Raven. Truthfully, I don't like this idea, but it's a risk all of us are gonna have to take/

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