Chapter 17

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(No P

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(No P.O.V.)

(At the WatchTower)

Batman is at the computer looking at some clues from the security cameras he has taken after the battle in Arkham Asylum

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Batman is at the computer looking at some clues from the security cameras he has taken after the battle in Arkham Asylum. He is just puzzled as to why Terra only wanted one Titan and not all the others. "This doesn't add up." He said to himself. "If Terra just took Beast Boy, then why not just finished the others?" This kept troubling his mind as he watched the footage over and over again. He kept doing so until he heard footsteps walking towards his direction. "Find what you were looking for?" Wonder Woman asked the Dark Knight. "Not yet. I just don't understand why she just didn't finished them off." He answers. "I think I do." the princess stated. He looked at her. "It's obvious that Raven and Terra both care for him but he has been more loyal to Raven ever since Terra was in her petrification sleep. As time has pass, his feelings for her changed. Once Trigon released her, he plagued her mind that they betrayed her while she is frozen." Diana explained. "But how did you know what to say to Raven when she almost annihilated the whole asylum?" Batman asked her. "Because that was the exact same rage I had after I saw Steve Trevors die but I realized that he died out of love. And love is the most powerful weapon to have by your side." Diana answered again to the Dark Knight. He was amazed that she and Raven are truly alike with their rage. He then decided to get back to work. "Look, Bruce. About that kiss before we went into battle..." She start talking to him but he cut her off. "I don't regret it." She was surprised by it. "I beg your pardon?" Diana asked. "I said, I don't regret it. I realized that I shouldn't let a wall surround my heart nor my emotions. I don't regret that kiss." He answered to the surprised Amazonian princess. "Besides, you did say I do owe you a dance." He reminded her. She just smiled and reply back, "I don't recall saying something of that sort." He just smirked remember that would've been him saying it. "Suit yourself. But I'm still taking you to a dance later." he says to her.

" he says to her

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