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Kendall pov

So on Sunday Dad mowed the lawn and worked outside, and me and Desi layed by the pool because it was sunny out. Then Dad grilled burgers while we chopped watermelon and made iced tea. The food was gone pretty quickly, as was the day.

Monday morning came too quick. Dad woke me up saying, "Kenny it's 6:45. Get up for school. We leave in 40 minutes, and have to be early to get Desi on track."

I hated leaving my warm bed but I didn't want to give myself less time to be ready.

10 minutes to shower, 5 minutes to blow dry my hair, 10 minutes to dress,
5 minutes for makeup and the last 10 to eat breakfast.

Time flew and me and Des were running to the car and jumping in. When we arrived, Dad told me and Desi to follow him to the office to pick up her stack of textbooks that's waiting and introduce her to the principal.

We walked in the office and as usual, the secretary started falling all over Dad. Ew. And, as usual, he gave her a friendly but tight smile, this time asking for Desi's textbooks. She handed them over and gave Desi her locker number and combination, which was nicely placed next to mine.

"Thank you Olivia. Where is Principal Shepard, by the way?" Dad asked her. "Um, I think in his office." Olivia said, twirling her hair. Ugh. She's nice but dumb. Dad would never date her. "Thanks." We signed a few papers and walked around a corner.

Desi's pov

Dad strode to a door that said 'Principal Shepard', and knocked. "Come in!" Dad faced us.

"Be polite," then opened the door and walked in. The principal was a middle aged man sitting behind an oak desk. He didn't look to evil which was good.

"Mr. Shepard." Dad said and shook his hand. "Axel! This must be your daughter. Nice to meet you Desiree," He said, shaking my hand. "Desi. I prefer Desi." I said and kind of smiled.

Dad looked at me like, knock it off or else. Oops. I just don't like Desiree. That's mainly what Dad calls me when my ass is toast.

The principal paused, then chuckled. "Well, Desi it is. Welcome to Carlsbad High."

"Thanks." I said, smiling like a little angel to not piss Dad off any more.

"Oh and also, I thought you might want to know that I know have full custody of Kendall as well so I'll be the full time emergency contact and guardian contact in the books." Dad told Mr. Shepard.

"Sounds good, I'll be letting Olivia know to update that information for you. Sounds like you have your hands full, Bond." Shepard said smiling. They chatted about how health class was going while me and Kendall stood there being bored.

A few minutes later they shook hands again and Mr. Shepard told me and Kendall to have a good day. "You too." We both said, and left his office, following Dad.

When we stepped outside, Dad frowned at me. "That was rude Desiree. Don't do that again." "I just said I prefer Desi." I said weakly.

"Well you can be called Desiree too, that's the principal. He can call you your whole name. Don't correct the principal. It looks bad." I nodded.

"Audible answer." "Yes...sir." He didn't like my hesitation but ignored it. "Kendall, take Desi to her locker please, and get straight to class. You have 6 minutes."

We went to our lockers and she loaded her other books in it. "Math class is first with Mrs. Wight." We got to class and I met the teacher. She was nice but very professional and I could tell she was strict. She introduced me to the class. 

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