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Axel pov

One last day here. I woke up feeling refreshed, and not ready to go home. But all things must end, so we decided to make the most of it. After I went out to the kitchen, I found the girls were up and made me a huge breakfast.

"Okay, who's idea was this?" I said grinning.

"All of us, we wanted you to get a day of chillaxing and not have too cook for us." Kendall said sweetly.

"Aww, no way. You didn't have to." I squeezed them all into a group hug.

We ate breakfast, and started our day. We went on a whale watching tour and had lunch, (guess who joined us at lunch 😑 yes the boys, including this Cyrus who is now apparently best friends with Denver and Lexington). After that, we shopped for a couple hours, and then came back home for dinner.

I was pretty tired out, but the kids still had some energy. I was too tired to cook dinner, so I had Hawaiian pizza, General Tso Chicken and Teriyaki delivered. Oh, and a ridiculous amount of sushi. We went all out for the last night because f#ck it.

The kids swam, and lounged around the pool, and ate until I kicked the boys out and went to bed. I figured because we were on vacation still the girls could stay up all night for all I care, they can sleep on the jet later.

Aaaand they did stay up. Literally all night. I woke up at 6am and went out to get coffee, finding them playing board games in the living room. They looked nervous that I found them, but I just laughed.

"Its vacation, you guys are fine." They looked relieved.

"But we head to the jet by 10am. You guys have 4 ours to finish and get packed up, alright?"

Desi whined. "Why do we have to leave at 10 in the morning? Why can't we stay til later?"

I imitated her tone sarcastically. "Because that's when my pilot was available. Any other complaints?"

She crinkled her nose but didn't answer.

After that much needed getaway, we flew back home. The whole week the girls were set on inviting the boys to do absolutely everything with us, and it got on my nerves a little to be honest.

But they seem like good kids, so I know that's purely just my dad instinct not wanting them around, but I guess I'll just have to deal with it.

I still cannot believe Huxlee and Brooklyn flew down here to vacation with the girls. And Brooklyn had the nerve to actually give me his late assignment upon arriving at my house.

I don't know whether to give him an A for effort (or humor at least), or an F for the audacity the little bastard had to come to my house in Hawaii while I'm on my school-free vacation and hand me a paper. Oh well.

We had a nice and quiet plane ride because all 4 of them were knocked out. I posted a Snapchat that they would eventually see and kill me for. 'Mannequin challenge' I captioned the video. #embarrassingdadgoals.


Don't worry I'm writing the next chapter right now, this was just a bridge to the next update.
Also, If you guys wanna read the stories that 12 and 13 year old me wrote, go to my old account helloitsmeye. Beware. They're so bad. And I can't edit them. But I might be able to continue them. So stay tuned :)

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